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Market Intelligence
Ghana Cosmetics and Personal Care

Strong retail sales and growing production of cosmetics within Ghana are part of a larger African cosmetics boom.  

Cosmetics and Toiletries Ghana
Market Intelligence
Ghana Shipping and Logistics

Ghana’s digital readiness is helping it become an attractive hub for the commercial logistics sector for the African continent. 

Express Delivery Services Ghana
Market Intelligence
AFCFTA - Concrete Opportunities for U.S. Companies

Explore the emerging commercial opportunities created by Africa’s regional integration.  

Distribution and Logistics Africa Trade Policy and Agreements
Market Intelligence
Thailand Duty for Electric Vehicles

Thailand promotes electric vehicles (EV) by reducing import tariff on EV cars ranging from zero to 40 percent, depending on the engine size, until 2023. 

Automotive Thailand Export Potential
Market Intelligence
Tanzania Agricultural Investment

Investment is needed in Tanzania for cold chain storage facilities, processing of crops,  transport, packaging, wholesaling, and retailing of various crops.

Agricultural Equipment and Machinery Tanzania Technology Transfer
Market Intelligence
Thailand Electric Vehicle Standards

Thailand’s Industrial Standards Institute is expediting standards for electric vehicles (EV) to increase EV production and the use of zero-emission vehicles. 

Automotive Thailand Government, Law and Regulation
Market Intelligence
African Continental Free Trade Area

The African Continental Free Trade Area is the world’s largest free trade area, connecting 1.3 billion people across 55 countries.

Africa Trade Policy and Agreements
Market Intelligence
Thailand Personal Data Protection Act

Thailand’s Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA), fully enforceable this year, offers opportunities for U.S. companies in data technologies and services.

Cybersecurity Thailand Exports
Market Intelligence
Ghana Information and Communication Technology

Ghana offers opportunities for U.S. solutions in an increasingly connected economy and the adoption of emerging technologies.  

Information and Communication Technology Ghana
Market Intelligence
Ghana Renewable Energy

Ghana gains access to African Development Bank finance mechanisms for the development of renewable energy.

Renewable Energy Ghana
Market Intelligence
Ghana Keta Port Project

Ghana plans construction of a third commercial port in anticipation of increased African continental trade. 

Distribution and Logistics Ghana
Market Intelligence
Bulgaria National Cancer Plan

Bulgaria is currently developing its National Cancer Control Plan and this is a timely opportunity to influence its direction to meet the demand.

Healthcare Bulgaria
Market Intelligence
Ghana Healthcare Insurance

Ghana continues to expand access to healthcare coverage and scope of benefits made available to citizens. 

Healthcare Ghana
Market Intelligence
Tanzania Aerospace Sector

Tanzania’s aviation sector is experiencing a strong upswing thanks to a growing economy and government efforts to revive the sector.

Aviation Sub-Saharan Africa
Market Intelligence
Romania Combating Cancer

Romania is following the European Commission’s Beating Cancer Plan, launching a national program to combat the EU’s highest incidence of cancer.

Healthcare Romania