U.S. Travel and Tourism Advisory Board
About the Travel and Tourism Advisory Board
The U.S. Travel and Tourism Advisory Board (TTAB) serves as the advisory body to the Secretary of Commerce on matters relating to the travel and tourism industry in the United States. The Board:
- Advises the Secretary on government policies and programs that affect the U.S. travel and tourism industry,
- Offers counsel on current and emerging issues, and
- Provides a forum for discussing and proposing solutions to industry-related problems.
Past Boards have presented Secretaries of Commerce with advice on a wide range of policies and issues facing the travel and tourism including travel facilitation, visa policy, infrastructure, aviation security, research, energy policy, and economic sustainability, as well as, valuable advice on the National Travel and Tourism Strategy. Board recommendations will be shared on this site.
The Board is comprised of up to thirty-two members appointed by the Secretary of Commerce. Members represent companies and organizations in the travel and tourism industry from a broad range of products and services, company sizes and geographic locations. Members serve, at the pleasure of the Secretary, typically for a two-year term. The Board was originally chartered in 2003, and because of the Department’s need for the ongoing advice from industry representatives, has been re-chartered 10 times, most recently in 2023. Under the Visit America Act, the TTAB is now a congressionally-mandated federal advisory board.
Members include representatives of state and regional economic development teams, businesses, and organizations.
The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Travel and Tourism serves as the Board’s Executive Director. The National Travel and Tourism Office (NTTO) serves as the Executive Secretariat for the Board.
United States Travel and Tourism Advisory Board Charter
1. Committee’s Official Designation (Title). United States Travel and Tourism Advisory Board (Board).
2. Authority. Section 607 of the Visit America Act, Subtitle A of title VI of division BB of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023, Pub. L. No. 117-328, in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act, as amended (FACA), 5 U.S.C. § 1001 et seq.
3. Objectives and Scope of Activities. The Board shall offer counsel on current and emerging issues in the travel and tourism industry.
4. Description of Duties. The Board functions solely as an advisory committee. The Board shall (1) serve as the advisory body to the Secretary of Commerce (Secretary) on matters relating to the travel and tourism industry in the United States; (2) advise the Secretary on government policies and programs that affect the U.S. travel and tourism industry; (3) offer counsel on current and emerging issues; (4) provide a forum for discussing and proposing solutions to problems related to the travel and tourism industry; and (5) provide advice regarding the domestic travel and tourism industry as an economic engine.
The Board shall provide recommendations to the Secretary regarding United States travel and tourism. In developing the recommendations, the Board shall consider actions that may be taken by the Secretary in his/her role as Secretary of Commerce and in his/her role as Chair of the Tourism Policy Council, a legislatively mandated interagency council comprised of federal agencies with nexus to travel and tourism.
In producing recommendations, the Board should endeavor to be responsive to the Secretary’s specific requests for advice. The Board should identify and examine priority issues facing the travel and tourism industry and seek input from relevant stakeholders in the travel and tourism sectors. Recommendations should represent the view of the members on the key priorities of the industry.
The Board shall advise the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Travel and Tourism in the development and implementation of the recovery strategies required under Section 605(e)(1) of the Visit America Act, including strategies for the travel and tourism industry in anticipation of other unforeseen catastrophic events that would significantly affect the industry, such as hurricanes, floods, tsunamis, tornadoes, terrorist attacks, and pandemics.
5. Agency or Official to Whom the Board Reports. The Board shall report to the Secretary through the Executive Director of the Board.
6. Support. The International Trade Administration (ITA) of the U.S. Department of Commerce shall provide administrative and staff services, support, and facilities for the Board. The National Travel and Tourism Office (NTTO) of the International Trade Administration shall serve as the Executive Secretariat for the Board.
7. Estimated Annual Operating Costs and Staff Years. The estimated annual operating cost of the Board is $160,000 which includes 1.3 full-time equivalents of staff support. Members of the Board will not be compensated for their services or reimbursed for their travel expenses.
8. Designated Federal Officer. The Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Travel and Tourism shall serve as the Executive Director of the Board. The Executive Director shall designate a Designated Federal Officer (DFO) from among the employees of the NTTO. The DFO will approve or call all of the Board and subcommittee meetings, prepare and approve all meeting agendas, attend all committee and subcommittee meetings, adjourn any meeting when the DFO determines adjournment to be in the public interest, and chair meetings when directed to do so by the Secretary.
9. Estimated Number and Frequency of Meetings. The Board shall, to the extent practical, meet a minimum of two times a year. Additional meetings may be called at the discretion of the Secretary or his/her designee. The meetings will take place in Washington, D.C., or elsewhere in the United States or be held virtually. Members are required to attend a majority of the Board’s meetings. If such requirement is not met, service on the Board may be terminated at the discretion of the Secretary.
10. Duration. Continuing.
11. Termination. This charter will terminate two years from the date of its filing with the standing committees of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives having legislative jurisdiction of the agency unless earlier terminated or renewed by proper authority.
12. Membership and Designation. The Board shall consist of approximately 32 members appointed by the Secretary. Members shall be Chief Executive Officers or senior executives from companies and organizations in the travel and tourism sectors representing a broad range of products and services, company sizes, and geographic locations.
Members of the Board will be selected, in accordance with applicable Department guidelines, based on their ability to carry out the objectives of the Board as set forth above and in a manner that ensures that the Board is balanced in terms of geography; size of company or organization; and services in the travel and tourism industry. The diverse membership of the Board assures perspectives reflecting the breadth of the Board’s 3 responsibilities, and, where possible, the Department will also consider the ethnic, racial, and gender diversity and various abilities of the United States population.
Members serve in a representative capacity, representing the views and interests of their particular business sector, and not as Special Government employees.
Each member generally shall serve for two years from the date of the appointment, and at the pleasure of the Secretary. The Secretary may at his/her discretion reappoint any member to an additional term or terms, provided that the member proves to work effectively on the Board and his/her knowledge and advice is still needed.
The Secretary shall designate a Chair and Vice Chair from among the members.
Members shall not reference or otherwise utilize their membership on the Board in connection with public statements made in their personal capacities without a disclaimer that the views expressed are their own and do not represent the views of the Board, ITA, the Department, or the U.S. Government.
13. Subcommittees. The Executive Director may establish subcommittees or working groups from among the Board members, in order to perform specific functions within the jurisdiction of the Board, pursuant to the provisions of FACA, the FACA implementing regulations, and applicable Department of Commerce guidance. Subcommittees must report back to the parent committee and do not provide advice or work product directly to the Secretary.
14. Recordkeeping. The records of the Board, formally and informally established subcommittees, or other subgroups of the Board, will be handled in accordance with the General Records Schedule 6.2 or other approved agency records disposition schedule. Subject to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552, records presented to or prepared for or by the Board are available for public inspection. ITA’s National Travel and Tourism Office shall maintain all files mandated by the FACA and the Department of Commerce’s policies on advisory committee management.
Travel and Tourism Advisory Board Members
TTAB Meeting Agendas, Federal Register Notices, and Transcripts
For information on meetings held prior to 2020, please contact us.
Recommendations to the Secretary
June 3, 2024
September 13, 2023
September 7, 2022
December 3, 2021
November 5, 2021
April 23, 2021
March 4, 2021
May 2020, 2021
For information on recommendations prior to 2020, please contact us.

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