Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Hungary Healthcare System Investments for capital city of Budapest

The government of Hungary approved increased financial support for healthcare in Budapest and its district councils.

Healthcare Services Hungary
Market Intelligence
Thailand Clean Energy Direct Purchase

Thailand is moving toward power market liberalization with a direct power purchase agreement pilot through the third-party access system. 

Renewable Energy Equipment Thailand Trade Opportunities
Market Intelligence
South Africa Energy World Bank Backs Reforms to Advance Energy security and low carbon emission transition

South Africa World Bank Backs Reforms to Advance Energy Security and Low Carbon Transition


Renewable Energy South Africa
Market Intelligence
United Arab Emirates Automotive Investing in Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

UAE announced new regulations and ambitious plans to invest in expanding its electric vehicle charging infrastructure creating opportunities for U.S. exporters.

Automotive United Arab Emirates
Market Intelligence
United Arab Emirates Aerospace and Aviation Opportunities

UAE airport expansion projects offer numerous opportunities for U.S. companies.

Aerospace and Defense United Arab Emirates
Market Intelligence
United Arab Emirates Design and Construction Dubai Municipality Infrastructure

Dubai Municipality Infrastructure Investment Offers Opportunities for U.S. companies in the UAE.

Design and Construction United Arab Emirates
Market Intelligence
Hungary to prioritize Healthcare developments thanks to EU Presidency

Hungary to prioritize Healthcare-related developments thanks to EU Presidency  

Healthcare Services Poland
Market Intelligence
South Africa Information Technology Country launches draft National AI Strategy

South Africa launches a Draft National AI Strategy 

Artificial Intelligence South Africa
Market Intelligence
Japan Global Startup Campus Initiative

Japan’s Global Startup Campus will create a deep tech innovation ecosystem, offering opportunities for U.S. research institutions and universities.

Education Japan International Cooperation
Market Intelligence
Japan - United States Tourism Year

The U.S.-Japan Tourism Year 2024 provides opportunities for the U.S. travel industry to promote American destinations and services in Japan.

Travel and Tourism Japan Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Peru Mining

SCC plans $10B refinery in Peru, part of $15B investment to boost copper output to 1.81M tons by 2026. Key projects: Michiquillay, Los Chancas, Tia Maria.

Industries Peru
Market Intelligence
Canada Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund

The Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund presents opportunities for U.S. companies with expertise in disaster mitigation technologies and services.

Disaster Resilience and Response Canada
Market Intelligence
Singapore Travel Industry Trends

As the Singapore government expands tourism industry support, the sector eagerly seeks new technologies and innovations to support its green transitioning. 

Travel and Tourism Singapore Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Singapore Aerospace and Defense

Singapore’s aerospace and defense industry offers opportunities for emerging technology innovations and educational training. 

Aerospace and Defense Singapore Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Qatar National Renewable Energy Strategy (QNRES)

Qatar’s General Electricity and Water Corporation (KAHRAMAA) launches the National Renewable Energy Strategy (QNRES)

Renewable Energy Qatar Trade Opportunities