medical technology images
Healthcare & Health Tech
Our healthcare experts are dedicated to enhancing the global competitiveness of the U.S. health industry, expanding market access, and increasing exports. The Healthcare Team uses our presence in 200 global cities to help foster new business relationships and expand the world-wide presence of U.S. firms.
South Africa Personal Care Initiative
South Africa Personal Care Opportunities
Take advantage of opportunities to learn more and start selling into South Africa's cosmetics and personal care market.
Map of Africa next to the logo for the US Commercial Service
Guide to Combatting Cancer in Sub-Saharan Africa
After losing two young and dynamic team members recently to cancer, we turned inward and asked ourselves, “What more can we do to make a difference?” This guide is part of a larger initiative to combat cancer.

Healthcare Technologies Industry

Our healthcare industry specialists are dedicated to enhancing the global competitiveness of the U.S. health industry, expanding market access, and increasing exports. The Healthcare Team uses our presence in 200 global cities to help you foster new business relationships and expand the world-wide presence of U.S. firms.

Featured Events

AI In Healthcare Roundtables
AI Healthcare Virtual Roundtables
October 16, 2024 (Biopharmaceuticals)
October 30, 2024 (Medical Technologies)

These roundtables will convene U.S. industry representatives and government officials to discuss strategies to increase U.S. industry competitiveness and support adoption and commercialization of artificial intelligence.
Digital health interface
Arab Health 2025
January 27-20, 2025
Dubai, UAE

An exciting opportunity to engage with over 80,000 organizations, buyers, healthcare professionals, health ministries, distributors and other trade professionals at Arab Health 2025.
Dna strand
Genomic & Genetic Technologies Trade Mission
May 19-23, 2025
Greece, Türkiye and Italy

The mission will support U.S. companies to discover potential business prospects, identify partners, customers, agents, and distributors in Greece, Türkiye, and Italy; and also facilitate connections with national research institutes and genetic labs in each country.
Blue arrows pointing to a red circle
Developing Global Markets Healthcare Series
This 3-part webinar series helps new and seasoned exporters develop their export strategy when selling medical devices and diagnostic companies to international markets.

How Can We Help You Expand Your Exports?

Our team members are experts in international business development and your best resource for business growth and job creation. Learn more about the ways we can assist your firm:
Image of data and charts for market research
Market Intelligence
Our healthcare technologies specialists on-the-ground in overseas markets prepare short, concise market intelligence reports so that you can learn about your product’s potential in a given market, the market’s business practices, and best prospects for success.
Image of two people meeting
Trade Counseling
International Trade Specialists are available to discuss your company’s exporting needs. Locate an industry specialist near you.
image of cargo container with world map overlay
Our Services
From counseling, to matchmaking, to market intelligence, our global network of trade professionals - located throughout the United States and in nearly 80 countries - can help your firm expand your exports.

Healthcare Market Intelligence

See our latest market intelligence related to the healthcare industry.
Market Intelligence
Poland Healthcare AI-Enabled Medical Technologies

Poland is to spend USD 400 million on AI-Enabled Medical technologies through the end of 2026.

Medical Devices Poland Industry
Market Intelligence
UK Healthcare NHS Report and Technology Opportunity 2024 

NHS report indicates a push for greater capital investment in medical technology and software.

Health Information Technology United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
Singapore Hospital Care at Home

To care for a rapidly aging population, Singapore is exploring the provision of hospital quality care at home.

Healthcare Singapore Standards

Key Resources for U.S. Exporters

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Healthcare Technologies Resource Guide

The Healthcare Technologies Resource Guide provides in country market intelligence from Healthcare specialists around the world. In each of the below market briefs you can find information on:

Market Entry | Current Market Trends | Main Competitors | Current Demand | Registration Process Reimbursement | Barriers | Procurement and Tenders | Local Associations | FAQ’S | Statistical Snapshot

Contact our local Trade Specialists for free business assistance
Business Services Providers

The Global Healthcare Team’s Business Service Providers (BSP) Directory is designed to help U.S. healthcare companies identify professional service providers to assist them in the assessment, completion, and/or financing of an export transaction.