Distribution and Logistics United States Supply Chain Customs and Boarder Measures Transport and Logistics

Advisory Committee (ACSCC) Membership Solicitation

The International Trade Administration (ITA), under the Department of Commerce, seeks nominations for immediate consideration to fill positions on the Advisory Committee on Supply Chain Competitiveness (ACSCC).

The ACSCC advises the Secretary on the necessary elements of a comprehensive policy approach to supply chain competitiveness. The Department intends for the ACSCC to play a key role in formulating recommendations to address current global supply chain challenges, including identifying key bottlenecks in supply chains and actionable solutions to address them, advising on the latest advances in supply chain management technology and how to apply them to the current challenges in the economy, and developing long term recommendations to make supply chains more resilient.

The Department seeks members who, by virtue of their current roles and past experience, bring a track record of effective senior executive leadership on issues impacting the U.S. and global supply chains. 

ITA will accept nominations on a rolling basis for membership on the ACSCC for the two-year charter term that began on November 10, 2021, and will expire on November 9, 2023. Immediate consideration will be given to applications received by December 29, 2021. ITA will accept nominations under this notice on an on-going basis during the charter term to fill vacancies as they arise.

To submit a nomination for the ACSCC, please follow the procedures outlined in the Federal Register Notice here

For further information, please contact Richard Boll at or visit the ACSCC website here