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Environmental Technologies Trade Advisory Committee
The Environmental Technologies Trade Advisory Committee (ETTAC) advises the interagency Environmental Trade Working Group of the Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee, through the Secretary of Commerce, on the development and administration of programs to expand U.S. exports of environmental technologies, goods and services.

ETTAC Solicitation of Nominations

The Environmental Technologies Trade Advisory Committee (ETTAC) was established in 1994 and most recently rechartered on August 16, 2020. The ETTAC serves as an advisory body to the Environmental Trade Working Group of the Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee (TPCC), reporting directly to the Secretary of Commerce in his/her capacity as Chairman of the TPCC. The ETTAC advises on the development and administration of policies and programs to expand U.S. exports of environmental technologies, goods, and services. 

The Secretary of Commerce invites nominations to the ETTAC’s 2020-2022 charter term of U.S. citizens who will represent U.S. environmental goods and services companies that trade internationally, or trade associations and non-profit organizations whose members include U.S. companies that trade internationally. Candidates should be senior executive-level representatives from environmental technology companies, trade associations, and non-profit organizations, including:  (1) Air pollution control and monitoring technologies; (2) Analytic devices and services; (3) Environmental engineering and consulting services; (4) Financial services relevant to the environmental sector; (5) Process and pollution prevention technologies; (6) Solid and hazardous waste management technologies; and/or (7) Water and wastewater treatment technologies.

Please see the notice in the Federal Register for the full description of requirements for membership and the nomination process. 

Applicants must submit the following (2 pages maximum) in PDF or Word format via email to 

  • Name
  • Title
  • Work phone, fax, and email address
  • Organization name and address, including website address
  • Short biography of nominee, including written certification of U.S. citizenship (this may take form of the statement “I am a citizen of the United States”) and a list of citizenships of foreign countries
  • Brief description of the organization and its business activities, including
  • Company size (number of employees and annual sales)
  • Exporting experience
  • An affirmative statement that the nominee will be able to meet the expected time commitments of Committee work. Committee work includes (1) attending in-person committee meetings approximately four times per year, (2) undertaking additional work outside of full committee meetings including subcommittee conference calls or meetings as needed, and (3) drafting or commenting on proposed recommendations to be evaluated at Committee meetings. Please do not send company or trade association brochures or any other information. 

Questions about the ETTAC, including the application process, may be sent to Amy Kreps, ETTAC Designated Federal Officer, at

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