Poland - Country Commercial Guide
Import Tariff
Last published date:

When products enter the EU, they need to be declared to Customs according to their classification in the Combined Nomenclature (CN). The CN document is updated and published every year, and the latest version can be found on the European Commission’s website.

Upon its accession to the European Union on May 1, 2004, Poland became part of the EU customs union. This means that the same import duty rates are applicable in all member states. Tariff rates are contained in the European Union’s Common External Tariff. Information on customs duty rates is available from the Integrated Tariff of the European Community (TARIC) database. U.S. exporters seeking to enter the Polish market can obtain useful information from the Office of European Union at the U.S. Department of Commerce.

The Polish Customs Service (Sluzba Celna) has an official Tariff Browser (a module of the Integrated Tariff System – ISZTAR), that provides information on tariffs of goods in international trade. The Tariff Browser contains data from the TARIC system (goods nomenclature, duty rates, restrictions, tariff quotas, tariff ceilings, and suspensions) as well as national provisions (VAT, excise tax, restrictions, and nontariff measures). The browser is maintained by the Customs Department of the Ministry of Finance within ISZTAR4.

Customs Info Database tariff look-up tool is available on trade.gov (free registration required), to estimate duties and taxes.