Pakistan Skyline
U.S. Commercial Service Pakistan
Our network of trade professionals represents unparalleled global reach. Located in U.S. Embassies and Consulates, we provide market intelligence and business connections. Every day, we advocate on behalf of U.S. firms for easier market entry. 


With three offices in Pakistan and more than 100 offices in the United States, our global network can help you develop business in Pakistan, the seventh largest country in the world. We can help you identify potential business partners, access trade counseling and obtain market research to launch your company into the Pakistani market.

Succeed in Pakistan with the U.S. Commercial Service

Explore key resources and events that can help your international business in Pakistan.
Learn about support and events for U.S. investment.
Intellectual Property Rights
Resources to help U.S. businesses succeed in Pakistan.

Featured Market Intelligence Articles

Market Intelligence
Pakistan Special Investment Facilitation Council

Pakistan established a Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC) to lure investments.

Aerospace and Defense Pakistan
Market Intelligence
Pakistan Printing and Packaging Industry

The Pakistani printing and packaging industry offers significant opportunities for collaboration with U.S. firms.

Chemicals Pakistan Economic Development and Investment
Market Intelligence
Pakistan Oil and Gas Industry

U.S. technology companies to benefit from new refining policy for brownfield refineries.

Petroleum Refineries Pakistan Certification