Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Zambia African Development Bank Infrastructure Project Opportunities

Zambia African Development Bank Project Opportunities

Design and Construction Zambia
Market Intelligence
New Zealand Accelerating Technological Progress

New Zealand’s new government is actively promoting policies to accelerate new and emerging technologies, including clean energy, AI, and biotechnology.

Information and Communication Technology New Zealand Trade Development
Market Intelligence
South Africa Healthcare Use of Digital Technology to Improve Adherence to Chronic Medication

Using Digital Technology to Improve Adherence to Chronic Medication

Health Information Technology South Africa
Market Intelligence
Poland Information Technology $63 million for cybersecurity funding

Poland cybersecurity funding.

Cybersecurity Poland
Market Intelligence
AfCFTA Investment Landscape

The AfCFTA Investment Protocol provides a coordinated landscape for investments in Africa.

Energy Africa Investment and Service Barriers
Market Intelligence
Greece Information Technology National Cybersecurity Strategy

Greece Embraces Digital Transformation with Robust Cybersecurity Measures

Cybersecurity Greece
Market Intelligence
Austria Cybersecurity Opportunities

Business opportunities ahead for U.S. providers of cybersecurity solutions.



Cybersecurity Austria
Market Intelligence
Ethiopia Energy Intensive Tech opportunities

U.S. technology companies should consider Ethiopia’s low-cost energy for data-intensive technologies like bitcoin mining, data mining, and data centers.  

Energy Ethiopia Economic Development and Investment
Market Intelligence
India Information Technology Quantum Computing Market

India’s quantum computing market is poised for growth, driven by increasing investments in research and development, and emerging applications across sectors.

Information and Communication Technology South Asia Export Promotion
Market Intelligence
Chile Information Technology New Cybersecurity Framework Law

 Chile’s 2024 Cybersecurity Framework Law makes Chile the first country in Latin America to establish a cybersecurity agency and regulatory framework. 

Cybersecurity Chile Laws and Regulations
Market Intelligence
Romania Information Technology tender launched for Governmental Cloud

Romania plans to develop a $80 million Government Cloud to modernize its governance using advanced IT and cybersecurity. . 

Information and Communication Technology Romania Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Australia Tech Industry

The Australia tech industry offers U.S. firms a range of opportunities as it evolves in response to post COVID-19 pandemic challenges and opportunities.

Information and Communication Technology Australia Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Australia Artificial Intelligence Market

Australian businesses are increasingly implementing AI to achieve business goals and enhance data management. 

Information and Communication Technology Australia Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Singapore Cybersecurity Legislation

U.S. IT solution providers, partners, and clients should review Singapore’s recently enacted Cybersecurity Bill to ensure compliance and identify opportunities.

Cybersecurity Singapore
Market Intelligence
Singapore Digital Trust Technologies

Digital trust technologies are taking off in Singapore—with market growth to US$3.4 billion by 2027—creating opportunities for U.S. developers.

Information and Communication Technology Singapore