Education Industry
The Global Education Team leverages the global network of the U.S. Commercial Service located in 106 U.S. and 127 foreign locations in 80 markets to enhance the competitiveness of the U.S. international education industry via export counseling, market intelligence, the delivery of customized services and value-added programming, and client outreach at key events designed to foster global partnerships, promote the United States as a premier study destination, and drive growth in education-related travel exports and the export of U.S. education technology goods and services.
How Can We Help You Expand Your Exports?

Education Market Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence in the German education market is evolving, driven by investments, technological advancements, and a supportive regulatory environment.
West Bank: Overview of the Palestinian Higher Education System and Study Abroad Opportunities in the U.S.
The Hungarian government is boosting and investing in digital education solutions for all levels of education