U.S. – Singapore Free Trade Agreement
The U.S.-Singapore Free Trade Agreement (FTA) has helped increase U.S. exports, improve U.S. competitiveness around the globe, and provide a standard of free trade that encourages a high level of liberalization. Doing business in Singapore has become even easier, faster, cheaper, and more transparent. The FTA has given U.S. businesses and exporters even more access to one of the world’s biggest markets.
Besides binding all Singapore tariffs for U.S. goods at zero, the FTA has increased export opportunities for certain U.S. manufacturing sectors, including those that produce medical instruments and equipment, microelectronics, photo equipment, certain textiles, pharmaceuticals, and chemicals.Singapore also has accorded substantial access to its services and investment market, with few exceptions. It also has increased government procurement opportunities and protection of intellectual property.
Rules of Origin
For goods that are not wholly obtained, you must meet the product’s rule of origin, usually through Tariff Shift or Regional Value Content. Learn more about how to Read and Apply FTA Rules of Origin. The rules of origin may be found in the final text of the FTA. Occasionally, a particular rule of origin may be revised. For the most updated version of the ROOs consult the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States, General Notes — General Note 25.
In addition to the above rules of origin, there may be other ways to qualify your product:
- Accumulation may allow the producer to reduce the value of the non-originating materials used in the production of the good.
- De Minimis allows the exporter to disregard a very small percentage of non-originating materials the do no meet a tariff shift rule.
- Direct Shipment are goods which must be shipped directly from one FTA party to another FTA party.
- Fungible Goods and Materials refers to goods or materials (components) that are interchangeable for commercial purposes and whose properties are essentially identical.
- Indirect Materials are goods used in the production, testing or inspection of a good but not physically incorporated into the good.
Claiming/Documenting Origin
No specific certificate is required for the U.S. – Singapore FTA. You may be requested by the importer to provide information to support a claim of preferential treatment. More information on what to include can be found in Free Trade Agreements Certificates of Origin.
Key Links/Resources
- USTR U.S.-Singapore FTA
- USDA Overview (ALL FTAs)
- Textiles Overview
- Singapore FTA Textiles
- CBP Side-by-Side Comparison of FTAs
- U.S. Commercial Service Singapore
- FTA Tariff Tool
- FTA Help Center