Westec Utilizes U.S. Government Counseling to Get Document Needed to Clear Export Sale

Study Kansas has launched with CS assistance and is poised to increase education export dollars.

JQ American Receives Interagency Assistance to secure Ex-Im Assurances to Expand Projects in Middle East.

San Francisco firm Environmental Chemical Corporation uses Counseling, Market Intel, and G to G Meetings to Secure Big Contract in Cameroon.

NewGen Surgical Expands Sales to Europe as a Result of Commercial Service Program at Medica Trade Show

Frozen Bean recognized with an Export Achievement Award for International success.

Ampere Scientific used the U.S. Commercial Service Trade Winds Business Forum to identify a global partner in Europe.

BoxPower, Inc. received guidance on shipping, regulation, taxation, and broker services to land a deal in Alberta.

Ambrosia Systems used tailored market entry and regulatory knowhow to enter the Indian market.

La Cañada Venture gains market and regulatory insights as well as digital marketing expertise through showcase and seminar.

Catalyst Business Partners Takes Advantage of Full Menu of USG Resources to Expand in EMEA.

U.S. Commercial Service offices in New Mexico and Canada help the oil & gas company TS-Nano win contracts in Canada.

GreenFire Energy receives Interagency USG support to navigate project complexity and secure USTDA grant for global geothermal project.

Oregon International School Forges Friendships in Ukraine through Partner Search Service