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South Korea Additive Manufacturing

Additive manufacturing (AM) industry in Korea is still in its early stages, however various industry sectors are seeking to apply 3D printing technologies to find new innovative manufacturing solutions.  

Recently, Korea’s Ministry of Science and ICT has raised the R&D investment target to $70 million in 2023 to encourage the 3D development.  As part of these efforts, the International Organization for Standardization Technical Committee on Additive Manufacturing (ISO/TC 261) General held a meeting was in In September 2023 to exchange the latest international standards development and industry technology trends. Concurrently, a standardization workshop by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), co-hosted by Korea 3D Fusion Industry Association, was held to pursue AM standards and research collaboration in this area of critical emerging technology. There are approximately 400 companies in the 3D printing market in Korea.  

As the potential applications for 3D printing increase, Korean government is advancing the industry through the promotion of international standards that will play a critical role in the development and adoption of AM technology in various fields. In September 2023, International Organization for Standardization Technical Committee on Additive Manufacturing (ISO/TC 261) General meeting was held in Korea to exchange the latest international standards development and industry technology trends. More than 100 standardization experts from 27 member countries including the U.S. participated. Concurrently, a standardization workshop by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), co-hosted by Korea 3D Fusion Industry Association, was held to pursue AM standards and research collaboration in this area of critical emerging technology. Korea’s Ministry of Science and ICT raised the R&D investment to $70 million in 2023 to encourage the 3D development. There are approximately 400 companies in the 3D printing market in Korea.

Opportunities with new industry applications:

Medical: The biotech industry has taken a keen interest in AM. MSIT’s National Radio Research Agency has been supportive of the international standardization of medical image-based AM and it will set the international standard by 2025. This will allow the creation of a customized 3D-printed prosthetic based on the patient’s medical 3D image.  

Construction: New applications are developed across a wider range of industries including construction, energy, and mechanics. AM is becoming a core technology in smart construction that can address growing labor shortages, aging workforce, and reduce construction waste. Local construction companies started to introduce robot-based AM technology in the construction sector.  

Aerospace and defense: Thousands of parts and components printed each year for the Ministry of National Defense (MND). More than 3,500 defense components were printed using 3D printers, including components of the indigenously manufactured fighter jets.  

Trade Shows: 

Inside 3D Printing, 
ASTM AM CoE Snapshot Workshop,  
Intra 2023, 
Korea Metal Week, 
International Conference on Design for 3D Printing, 

Local contact: 
U.S. Commercial Service Korea 