Market Intelligence
Industrial Materials Design and Construction Equipment and Machinery Kenya Trade Opportunities Industrial Development

Kenya Manufacturing and Industrialization Opportunities

The Government of Kenya (GoK) in its 2023/2024 national budget has prioritized manufacturing as a key enabler for realizing its national economic development goals.  In its budget, the government has allocated $158 million towards manufacturing and industrialization. The allocation will be deployed in line with the GoK’s new value chain approach, which calls for the mapping of production processes throughout the value chain to final market transactions. 

Potential opportunities exist for U.S. companies, including technology and service providers in industrial research facilities and programs and leather and textile manufacturing.

Some of the key value chains include:

-    Leather and Leather Production: Opportunities include provision of common effluent treatment technologies; development of leather industrial parks; technologies for production of leather accessories, including footwear and articles.

-    Building and Construction Materials: Opportunities include provisions of technologies, equipment, and construction materials.  Opportunities exist for supplying industrial technologies for manufacturing of alternative building materials for construction.

-    Garments and Textiles: Opportunities include modernization of cotton ginneries; textiles mills and technologies for optimization and integration of cotton and ginneries and textiles mills. Additional information can be found here

U.S. companies with technology and services solutions critical to optimization of any of these value chains can reach out to the U.S. Commercial Service team in Kenya, our various specialists and their portfolios can be found here.