Market Intelligence

Get comprehensive and up-to-date information about the Vietnam market and the export potential for your products and services!

For more information about our market research services, please contact our specialists for the relevant industry sectors.

Market Intelligence
Vietnam Healthcare Sector

U.S. businesses interested in Vietnam’s healthcare market may enter by appointing an agent/distributor or directly by establishing a commercial operation.

Healthcare Vietnam Market Access
Market Intelligence
Vietnam ECommerce

The rapidly-growing ecommerce market in Vietnam offers commercial potential for US companies.

Information and Communication Technology Vietnam Market Access
Market Intelligence
Vietnam Fintech

Vietnam’s fast-growing fintech market holds market potential for suppliers of technology that supports digital banking, digital payments, blockchain and cryptography.

Information and Communication Technology Vietnam Market Access
Market Intelligence
Vietnam Cybersecurity

Vietnam’s growing cybersecurity market is open to U.S. hardware and software producers that can address security for Government, Finance, Banking and Insurance, E-Commerce, and Energy sectors.

Information and Communication Technology Vietnam Information Technology
Market Intelligence
Vietnam Aviation

U.S. companies will find significant opportunities in Vietnam’s aviation sector. 

Aerospace and Defense Vietnam Transport and Logistics