Market Intelligence

Get comprehensive and up-to-date information about the Ghana market and the export potential for your products and services!

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Market Intelligence
AfCFTA Investment Landscape

The AfCFTA Investment Protocol provides a coordinated landscape for investments in Africa.

Energy Africa Investment and Service Barriers
Market Intelligence
Ghana Energy Efficiency

Ghana implements World Bank-funded smart meter project to improve revenue collection in the energy sector. 

Electricity Infrastructure Africa Environment and Natural Resources
Market Intelligence
Ghana Procurement

Ghana’s System of Public Procurement and Tender Management

Business and Professional Services Africa Trade Practices
Market Intelligence
African Continental Free Trade Area Investment Protocol

AfCFTA Parties Approve Investment Protocol

Food and Beverage North Africa African Continental Free Trade Area
Market Intelligence
Ghana Energy Transition Plan

Ghana launches an ambitious plan to reach net zero emissions. 

Civil Nuclear Power Africa Climate
Market Intelligence
Ghana Energy Voluntary Carbon Markets

Ghana has developed a comprehensive regulatory framework or carbon markets. 

Environmental Technology Africa Environment and Natural Resources
Market Intelligence
Ghana AfCFTA Guided Trade Initiative Update

Landmark initiative to implement the AfCFTA gains steam. 

Agribusiness Africa Foreign Trade Regulations
Market Intelligence
Ghana Scam and Fraud Alert

A guide for companies to avoid fraud and scams allegedly associated with Ghanaian-based entities. 

Safety and Security Africa Risk Management
Market Intelligence
Ghana ICT Energy Efficiency Labeling

Ghanaian regulators provide supplemental guidance on how to comply with new energy efficiency labeling requirements. 

Computer Hardware Africa Labeling
Market Intelligence
Ghana Industrial Materials Critical Minerals Graphite

With a new high quality graphite find, Ghana solidifies its role as a potential critical minerals supplier to the electrical vehicle value chain.


Rare Earth Metals Africa Environment and Natural Resources
Market Intelligence
Ghana Innovation

 Ghana makes progress in developing an innovation ecosystem, but challenges remain. 

Information and Communication Technology Africa Economic Development and Investment
Market Intelligence
Ghana Affordable Housing

 New housing program seeks to promote affordable house ownership. 

Design and Construction Services Africa Finance
Market Intelligence
Ghana African Continental Free Trade Area Data Portal

The African Trade Observatory portal provides real-time information on international trade and market regulations across Africa.

Wholesale Trade Africa Tariffs
Market Intelligence
Ghana Pan African Payments Settlement System (PAPSS) Update

Intra-African payment system continues to grow, extending to 10 African Central Banks and dozens of African commercial banks.

Financial Services Ghana Payment
Market Intelligence
Ghana Critical Minerals Market

Ghana takes important steps to develop lithium deposits. 

Mining Equipment and Machinery Ghana Climate