Market Intelligence

Get comprehensive and up-to-date information about the Qatar market and the export potential for your products and services!

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Market Intelligence
Qatar – Education Sector Opportunities

Qatar presents opportunities for U.S. educational institutions and companies in e-learning, executive education, skill development, and workplace training. 

Educational Technology Middle East Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Qatar – Hydrogen Supply Chain Opportunity in the Existing Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Economy

Qatar – Hydrogen Supply Chain Opportunity in the Existing Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Economy.

Petrochemicals Qatar Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Qatar - Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Initiatives - Carbon Footprint Reduction

Qatar – Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Initiatives - Carbon Footprint Reduction.

Petrochemicals Qatar Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Qatar – Oil & Gas North Field Expansion (NFE) Project

Significant opportunities exist in Qatar for U.S. companies offering products and services in LNG production.

Oil and Gas Field Machinery Qatar Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Qatar Electric Vehicles Challenges and Opportunities

Qatar is positioning itself to be a leader in the Gulf region for the adoption of electric vehicles (EV).

Stationary Fuel Cells Qatar Trade Opportunities
Market Intelligence
Qatar Information and Communications Technology Sector

Qatar presents U.S. companies with opportunities in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector. 

Information and Communication Technology Qatar Information Management
Market Intelligence
Qatar Energy Transmission and Distribution

Demand on Qatar’s power and water industries opens opportunities for U.S. companies offering electricity transmission and distribution technologies.

Electricity Infrastructure Qatar Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Qatar Solar Energy

Energy diversification in Qatar will be achieved by investments in photovoltaic (PV) solar energy. 

Renewable Energy Qatar Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Qatar Introduces Public-Private Partnership Law

The Qatari government recently enacted a law governing public-private partnerships (PPPs) signaling to U.S. firms access to the government of Qatar on infrastructure development opportunities. 

Education Qatar Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Qatar E-Commerce Opportunities

There are significant opportunities for U.S. companies to compete in the Qatari market for world-class e-commerce services and solutions. 

Information and Communication Technology Qatar Trade Opportunities
Market Intelligence
Qatar – Opportunities in Food/Farming Sector

Food security in Qatar grew in importance following the 2017 Gulf Rift that halted food supply lines overnight from Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates. Qatar has built a self-sustaining dairy industry since the onset of the Rift, and is seeking strengthened food security in a variety of other agricultural industries. 

Agribusiness Qatar Trade Development