A scenic view of the Grand Canyon with data overlaid.
Travel and Tourism Monitors
The National Travel and Tourism Office at The International Trade Administration develops several interactive data visualizations that analyze multiple aspects of the travel and tourism industry.

Travel and Tourism Monitors

Travel and Tourism Industry Monitors from the National Travel and Tourism Office

The National Travel and Tourism Office (NTTO) at the International Trade Administration develops an interactive series of “Monitors” that cover international visitation, air passenger enplanements, traveler characteristics, state of the travel industry, international trade, top destinations, and country profiles. Explore and learn more about travel and tourism in the United States and abroad.

Travel Industry Performance
Discover economics, visitation, business sentiment, and other key performance metrics that provide insight into the health of the Travel Industry with our Travel Industry Monitor.
Traveler Profiles
Find out who is visiting the United States, what cities they are visiting, and why. NTTO’s Country Profile Monitor shows the demographic visitor profiles for more than 70 countries.
Top U.S. Destinations
Compare the top cities, states, and territories for tourists visiting the United States. View the latest travel trends and discover hot new destinations in our U.S. States and Cities Visited Monitor.
International Travel Receipts and Payments Program
Explore monthly and annual U.S. travel and tourism receipts by international visitors in the United States (exports), payments by U.S. residents abroad (imports), and the balance of trade for major world regions and select countries.
An airplane landing view from the front with a sunset in the background
U.S. Residents Travel to Overseas Locations
Explore information about U.S. resident travel to overseas locations through the Survey of International Travelers (SIAT) Outbound Monitor.
An airplane taking off view from behind.
Non-Resident Travel to U.S. Locations
Explore data about non-resident travel to the United States through the Non-Resident Survey of International Travelers (SIAT) Inbound Monitor
A woman hands a passport to a passport control agent in an airport
Visitor Arrivals by Country of Residence
View data on visitor arrivals by Country of Residence (COR) through the ADIS I-94 COR Monitor.
A closeup of a passport exchanging hands
Visitor Arrivals by Country of Citizenship
View data on visitor arrivals by Country of Citizenship (COC) through the ADIS I-94 COC Monitor.
International Air Passenger Travel
View monthly and annual international air passenger arrivals and departures between U.S. and foreign airports.
NTTO’s APIS I-92 International Air Travel Statistics Program provides U.S. citizen and non-citizen air passenger traffic at the airport, city and country level of detail. U.S. international visitor departures are also part of this program.

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