Container ship and globe side by side with connecting lines linking different containers to different areas on the globe.
Top Export Market Rankings
Review the top export market rankings and discover the leading markets for export success in your industry. Our specialists highlight the unique market characteristics that create opportunities in individual markets. Use the rankings to grow your business and increase revenue by expanding into new high-demand markets.

Top Export Market Rankings

Top Export Market Rankings

Through Top Export Market Rankings, ITA’s Industry & Analysis Office of Industry Engagement helps companies determine their next export market by comparing opportunities in international markets. Each market ranking will highlight leading markets and future export opportunities within a particular industry based on a sector-specific methodology.

Industry, trade, and economic experts provide detailed analysis to strengthen the export competitiveness of U.S. industry and support strategies to unlock export and investment opportunities that benefit the U.S. economy. Explore the market rankings and discover valuable insights for developing business strategy, expanding reach, and staying competitive in a rapidly changing global market.

Available Top Export Market Rankings

Green Forest background with various energy icons overlaying.
Clean Technology
Explore today's top ranked export markets for clean technology in order of most likely for export success potential. Created by ITA's industry experts and trade specialists, the tool showcases trade data, market research, and exporting tips all in one place!
circuit board background with consulting icons overlaying
Consulting Services
ITA's Consulting Services Top Export Market Ranking tool weighs industry-specific economic, trade, and market indicators to identify the export markets we anticipate will be most receptive to consulting services from U.S. consulting firms in the immediate future.
Cupped hands filled with soil and a seedling surrounded by environmental and tech icons.
Environmental Technologies
ITA's Environmental Technologies Top Export Market Ranking tool weighs industry-specific economic, trade, and market indicators to identify the export markets we anticipate will be most receptive to environmental technology exports from the United States in the immediate future.

Environmental Technologies Top Export Market Rankings - Overview Video

Explore the landscape of environmental technologies as we uncover valuable insights and emerging opportunities through our Environmental Technologies Top Export Markets Rankings. Take a visual journey through the highlights from the tool, then peruse the tool itself for deeper dives into the top ranked export markets.

Additional Resources

Illustration of a handshake
Industry & Analysis

Industry & Analysis (I&A) produces in-depth trade analyses and engages with industries on trade strategies. We aim to create and implement innovative trade and investment strategies that unlock global opportunities for U.S. businesses.

Global icon
Office of Industry and Engagement

The Office of Industry and Engagement (OIE) provides leadership and strategic oversight for I&A’s cross cutting public partnership programs, external digital communication strategy, and advisory committees.

open book and light bulb icon
Country Commercial Guides

Country Commercial Guides (CCGs) contain market conditions, opportunities, regulations, and business customs for over 125 countries prepared by trade and industry experts at U.S. embassies worldwide. Pick a new market with confidence!