Market Intelligence
Defense Equipment Europe United Kingdom

UK Defense Market - Map The Gap

The UK MOD is seeking technologies to demonstrate an automated or autonomous system to reconnoitre a potential wide wet gap crossing site. This competition has approximately $2.7 million available to fund proposals. Proposals should include both the navigation to and from potential crossing site and data collection. This competition closes on Tuesday 9 March 2021.

This Defense and Security Accelerator (DASA) competition, run on behalf of the Defense Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL), aims to develop and trial several system demonstrators able to tackle some of the key issues of gap crossing survey.  An earlier phase of this competition demonstrated that it is possible to integrate existing sensors to mobile platforms that gather the measurements of a gap. Submissions for this phase should consider how a final system would be deployed within a military context.

Successful submissions will demonstrate a clear plan to a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 6 demonstrator (technology model or prototype demonstration in a relevant environment) as part of this competition, with an outline plan of how the technology could be developed into an in-service capability.  For additional requirements and information, please visit the Map the Gap: autonomous gap crossing homepage.

The MOD is encouraging collaboration between suppliers to provide a total solution and not just a piece to be included in the total solution.  To support collaboration, the MOD has created a short survey to collect details of suppliers who wish to explore collaboration possibilities.  To complete a survey, please visit the collaboration survey homepage.

To speak with the MOD program manager about this competition, pre-bookable 1-1 telecon sessions are available on February 10, 2021.  To reserve a meeting with the MOD, please register on the Eventbrite page.  

For more information on the MOD and opportunities in the UK defense market, please contact PJ Menner in Embassy London at