Market Intelligence
Industries Panama Central America Public Administration

Panama Government Procurements

Panama has the best prospect for economic growth in Latin American and the Caribbean (LAC). From 2014 to 2019, Panama had one of the strongest growths in the region with 4.7% on average, while LAC grew 0.9%. For 2022, the Economic Commission for Latin America (CEPAL) estimates that Panama will have an economic growth of 8.2%, which will lead Latin America with the best prospects for economic growth for this year. 

This growth represents a wide range of opportunities for businesses and investments that are open for American companies who can compete for contracts regardless of whether they are based in Panama or the United States.

The Panamanian central purchasing portal, PanamaCompra, frequently posts tender opportunities in all industries sectors. This is an official, free, internet-based electronic tendering service, where vendors can bid on the tenders by registering on the website. Below you can find the industries with most tenders open:

The U.S. Commercial Service in Panama City stands ready to support U.S. companies in their government procurement pursuits in Panama. For further information please contact your local USEAC and Commercial Specialist Jeane Zuniga at