Market Intelligence
Dairy Products Panama

Panama Dairy Products

The Panamanian Food Agency (APA) and the National Directorate of Food Control and Veterinary Surveillance of the Ministry of Health (Regulators on Food Imports), confirms that the Republic of Panama approved as Equivalent the sanitary and regulatory system for dairy products, accepted with U.S. standards.

Any U.S. dairy company exporting to Panama in accordance with the U.S. – Panama Sanitary Equivalence Agreement of 2006 must have or present a certificate issued by an U.S. authority (USDA, or FDA, or State Department of Agriculture or Health) is sufficient to present for US dairy imports in Panama; meaning that they should not be requesting Specification sheet (“Ficha Técnica”) and/or a Microbiological Analysis per shipment.

Dairy products that will be sold on retail, needs to have a Sanitary Registration. You can search (by name) which products are already registered at the Panamanian Food Agency.

The U.S. Commercial Service can assist you in identifying opportunities and local partners in the Republic of Panama dairy products sector. To learn more please contact Commercial Specialist Diana Lozano at