Market Intelligence
Intelligent Transportation Systems Chile

Chile Intelligent Transportation

Background on Santiago’s Public Transportation System  

Chilean public transportation systems are overseen by regional authorities that report directly to the Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunication. In the Santiago Metropolitan Region, the Directorio de Transporte Público Metropolitano (DTPM) regulates, supervises, and operates the largest public transportation network in the country that includes the six lines of the Santiago Metro, 378 urban bus routes, and Central Train Alameda-Nos suburban train line. Santiago’s bus network is divided among six concessionaires that operate 378 routes and 3,800 buses including the largest fleet of electric buses in South America. The combined network has 3 million daily weekday trips, below the pre-pandemic level of 3.6 million daily weekday trips. Over than 1.9 million users are using digital payments since the program began in January 2022.  

In August 2022, the DTPM launched the Technical Transformation of the RED Network, a $500 million, ten-year plan to integrate Santiago’s sprawling public transportation network, improve accessibility, and lower carbon emissions. The strategy was developed to prioritize the users and strengthen the sustainability and resilience of the system. Procurement tenders will be released in 2023 and 2024. 

Fleet Management System and Passenger Information Procurement 

Budget: US$ 130 million  

FleetManagement: DTPM is seeking world-class fleet management technologies, focusing on improving the operational reliability of buses and other surface modes. The technology must generate precise and real time information for each vehicle, such as location, speed, occupancy level, and service disruptions. Advanced tools to manage service disruptions and incidents are among the main capabilities that DTPM is looking for to support drivers and improve service reliability. 

Passenger Information: Complementing the fleet management service, DTPM will also procure a new passenger information system to communicate in a simple, friendly, and multi-channel way information about the performance of the system. A key element of this service is the generation of accurate and real time information for decision-making, to be displayed onboard vehicles and at the bus stops. Information related to transfers and connections is also part of the scope of this service. These tenders will be published in the fourth quarter of 2023. 

Ticketing System 

Budget: US$ 300 million 

DTPM is developing a second tender to upgrade the transportation network’s ticketing and payment system to pay for new forms of mobility, modern and flexible fare structures, and payment through different channels to lower access barriers to the system. As part of this process, the current smartcard technology will be renewed and new digital and open loop payment methods in the system will be enabled. DTPM’s goal is to create user experiences that are customized to the citizens’ needs through a modern, adaptable back-office system and the massification of account-based ticketing solutions. The tender consultation process for companies to make comments is open until July 21, 2023. Following the consultation process, the Statement of Work will be delivered in the fourth quarter of 2023, and the tender will be published by the second quarter of 2024. 

Operational Programming and Data Governance 

Budget: US$ 3 million 

DTPM is seeking an advanced operational programming tool to generate efficiencies in the planned transport supply and maximize fleet utilization. The technology must provide flexibilities associated with the scheduling, charging and operation of electric fleets, increasing the life span of the bus batteries, maximizing the vehicle range, and the efficiency in energy use during the charging process. The system should also generate different scenarios quickly and agilely to respond in a timely manner. Data storage is required in a Mobility Data Lake to integrate public transport information with other relevant mobility sources. The platform should also generate a Data Warehouse to allow the exploitation of data and information for decision-making at multiple levels. Finally, it seeks to generate an Open Data Platform for citizens. The consultation process will be published in the third quarter of 2023 and tender documents will be published in the third quarter of 2024. 

For more information, please contact U.S. Commercial Service Chile Commercial Specialist Claudia Melkonian.