Market Intelligence
Design and Construction Canada

Canada Opportunities for U.S. Infrastructure Companies

Launched in 2016, through this Plan, the Government of Canada is investing over $180 billion over 12 years in infrastructure projects across Canada including five key priority areas: 

  1. Public Transit ($28.7 billion) 
  2. Green Infrastructure ($26.9 billion) 
  3. Social Infrastructure ($25.3 billion) 
  4. Trade and Transportation Infrastructure ($10.1 billion) 
  5. Rural and Northern Communities’ Infrastructure ($2 billion). In addition, the $400 million Arctic Energy Fund will be delivered under this stream to support energy security in the territories.   

These investments bring great potential for infrastructure innovation and opportunities in design, materials, products, processes, and methods used to build infrastructure, as well as in the services or functions it provides. 

The Plan also supports the delivery of the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change, Canada’s plan to meet its GHG emissions reduction target, and build resilience to a changing climate - bringing research and development opportunities to fill the knowledge gaps in how to make smart, innovative, and resilient infrastructure.

For a market update on infrastructure projects pipeline and how the U.S. Commercial Service in Canada assists U.S. exporters, visit or contact Commercial Specialist Shweta Nagpal