Market Intelligence
Space Brazil

Brazil Space Sector

Fueled by the U.S.-Brazil Technology Safeguards Agreement (TSA), Brazil’s commercial space sector is evolving rapidly.

In February 2021 Brazil’s Earth Observation Satellite AMAZONIA -1 was successfully launched by the Indian Space Research Organization and is the third Brazilian remote sensing satellite in operation. This milestone serves as a reminder to U.S. industry about potential opportunities to collaborate with Brazilian companies as the commercial space sector continues to develop. Partnering with Brazilian space sector companies will give U.S. industry early access to opportunities in launch, launch center operations and infrastructure, satellite development, and satellite applications.  

AMAZONIA-1 reflects a significant technical achievement for Brazil in the Space sector. AMAZONIA-1 is based on a multi mission platform (MMP) developed by the National Institute of Space (INPE). Brazilian companies such as CENIC Engenharia Indústria e Comércio, Equatorial, Opto Eletrônica, Omnisys Engenharia Ltda., AEL Systemas, Fibraforte  e OBRITAL Engenharia from the Brazilian Space Industry participated in the project and were responsible for the development of each of the MMP Platform subsystems and the Payload Module. 

The AMAZONIA-1 satellite will provide remote sensing data (images) to observe and monitor deforestation, especially in the Amazon region.  Additionally, AMAZONIA-1 will provide data images to support agriculture helping the sector work in synergy with existing environmental programs. 

The AMAZONIA-1 project is evidence of Brazil’s expertise in satellite technology development and the maturity of its commercial space industry. . The country continues to invest in the development of its Space Program which will create robust business opportunities for the national and international space industry.   

Source: INPE website: