Market Intelligence
Defense Equipment Brazil

Brazil maritime monitoring systems

The Brazilian Navy Program Managing Directorate (Diretoria de Gestão de Programas da Marinha (DGePM) has published a request for expressions of interest (REOI) for information concerning maritime monitoring systems. The collected information will contribute to the development of a preliminary technical study and subsequent acquisition of maritime monitoring equipment in the near future. 

The REOI indicates that the preliminary technical study should include information for research and development of a maritime monitoring system between the Castilian Lighthouse and Cabo Frio Lighthouse the State of Rio de Janeiro (approximately 200 nautical miles). The system should also include multiple source contact fusion algorithms, Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions for traffic analysis and the implementation of a sensing infrastructure. 

U.S. Companies interested sending information to contribute to the Brazilian Navy Study should contact the Brazilian Navy Program Managing Directorate at

This study is part of the Blue Amazon management System (SisGAAZ), a strategic priority for the Brazilian Navy that aims to monitor and control the Brazilian jurisdictional waters and the international areas of responsibility for relief and rescue operations. 

Additional detailed information is available in Portuguese at:

U.S. companies interested in doing business with the Brazilian defense industry please contact the U.S. Department of Commerce: Daniele Andrews, Senior Commercial Specialist in Brazil.