Market Intelligence
Education Angola

Angola’s Ministry of Education (MED)

The restructuring of Angolan ministerial departments conferred to the Ministry of Education the ability and increased authority to implement educational reforms from pre-school up to the secondary national educational systems. 

Angola’s inefficient educational system inherited from the colonial and Civil War eras is haunted by oppression, discrimination and massive destruction of public infrastructure. After independence, the educational system failed to offer full-time classes to primary and secondary levels, leaving pupils with a deficit in reading, writing, speaking, comprehension and critical thinking skills. The lack of teacher skills has inhibited the delivery of quality educational and training services and negatively impacted early childhood learning. The results are delivery of an unimpressive literacy rate as well as a limited number of graduates, qualified professionals and technicians. 

Almost 50 percent of the Angolan population is under the age of 22 and the Angolan population continues to grow, while facing globalization, rapid technology and innovation changes, political and social distress. Despite efforts being made by the Angolan Government to have all children accommodated in nursery, primary and secondary schools across the country, the need is far from being met. Educational services are provided by public and private institutions free of charge, but there is limited infrastructure and capacity to absorb the demand. Laws, decrees and the budget attributed to education have not sufficiently met the needed restructuring. 
According to Law 32/20 of 12 August 2020 Angola educational system is segmented into seven structures: 

  • Pre-school
  • General education – Primary and Secondary
  • Higher Education 
  • Technical and professional education – Secondary 
  • Special education 
  • Training of teachers
  • Adult education

Some projects have benefitted from government or external funding sources:

  • Projecto Escolas de Referência (PER) equips selected institutions with higher level services and equipment and provides models to other public institutions. There are 51 PER institutions and 6 training centers, which strive to offer enhanced scientific, technical, technological and cultural electives. 
  • In Angola, most nursery schools and pre-schools are funded by private sources and are unaffordable for most families. Projecto “Todos Unidos Pela Primeira Infância” (TUPPI): focuses on pre-school learning, free of charge. 
  • O Plano Nacional de Leitura (PNL) is a strategic plan to increase literacy among children from pre-school, primary and to secondary schools implementing the habit of and love for reading and writing.
  • EJA aims to combat illiteracy and school lag among youth and seniors. 
  • Projecto Aprendizagem (PAT) is aided and funded by the World Bank and aims to enhance knowledge and build competency of teachers, evaluation systems for pupils, and improving administrative management of schools. 

Aeas for cooperation with the Angolan Government could be to strengthen the educational sector by bringing in programs and enriching the national curricula. 

For more details on how to build cooperation with the Ministry of Education reach out to the contacts details below. 

Union for Teachers (SINPROF - Sindicato dos Professores): 

Ministry of Education (MED): 

Clemência Nogueira, Commercial Specialist 
(+244) 932 572 822 | (+244) 222 641 076