West Bank and Gaza - Country Commercial Guide
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According to the 2017 Electonic Transactions Law, eCommerce transations in the West Bank and Gaza are regulated by the Palestinian Ministry of Telecom and Intormation Technlogy. Palestinian internet users purchase goods and services online ranging from clothes, shoes, and sportswear to cosemtics, furniture, and toys. Given the existence of a good telecommunication infrastructure, an established banking system, and advanced IT applications that guarantee Internet security, the eCommerce market in the West Bank and Gaza has significant growth potential. The major telecommunication company, Paltel, has introduced e-payment services that allow customers either to delegate to a bank the responsibility of electronically paying their bills or to directly pay online by credit cards. eCommerce in the Palestinian handicraft industry has also developed, especially in Hebron, where wholesalers sell Palestinian pottery online. Packages sent to the West Bank and Gaza via Jordan from Arab countries lacking diplomatic relations with Israel can experience long delays.