Success Story
Media and Entertainment Australia Colombia Germany

Performing Arts as Exports

Man on stage striking a hug horizontal drum

Helping International Patrons Hire U.S. Artists 

MDCP projects have never been confined to promoting exports of physical goods. MDCP projects have promoted service exports like software, healthcare, and tourism. Now Western Arts Alliance (WAA), is promoting a new service export: live performances.  

Performing Arts Discovery Export (PADX) is an expansion of the PAD program underwritten by the National Endowment for the Arts. An MDCP financial award helps. WAA selects U.S.-based artists ready to tour internationally. Prior to being featured on the PADX Showcase, WAA provides equipment, technical support, and post-production assistance so artists can be properly featured. 

Entities abroad looking for talent should explore the Showcase. Bookings from all international patrons are welcome. WAA’s strategy is to focus first on touring opportunities in Australia, Colombia, and Germany. 

Shawn Ricks, acting leader of ITA’s Media & Entertainment Global Team, coordinates ITA’s overall efforts in support of WAA’s MDCP project.