Illinois Motorsports Company Enters UAE Market

Hoerr Racing Products serves the motorsports industry by providing parts and accessories including lubricants, brake systems, shocks and springs, and driver and crew suits and safety equipment.
R/A Hoerr, Inc. contacted U.S. Commercial Service (CS) Peoria to expand internationally their Red Line oil and to introduce Red Line Service chemicals into the international market. CS Peoria and CS UAE Dubai provided counseling to the company and completed an International Partner Search plus virtual introductions for the company in the summer of 2023.
We are very thankful for the services provided… . Our goal was to get one country under our belt, and now, we are immediately jumping into 2 more countries to expand the international footprint for Red Line Oil. We plan to introduce our other manufacturers to this program in Q4. We appreciate all the help that we’ve received, and we look forward to a prosperous future with the US Commercial Service.
- Jason Mitchell, President
As a result of the International Partner Search with virtual introductions, R/A Hoerr, Inc. was able to find a new customer in Dubai with an initial stocking order over $44,000. And due to the additional counseling and support of the U.S. Commercial Service, they continue to grow in the region.