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Italy Business Service Providers
Find help for different aspects of exporting to Italy or investing from Italy to the United States.

Italy Business Service Provider

If you need additional support for your export business, the companies listed in this directory may be able to help. 

Interested in promoting your services to U.S. businesses? Please contact for information on how to apply to Italy’s BSP Directory.

This directory provides additional resources to U.S. exporters, and is not a comprehensive list. Inclusion does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the U.S. Commercial Service (CS). The CS has performed limited due diligence research, but strongly recommends that you conduct your own background research on any company. The CS assumes no responsibility for the professional ability or integrity of the providers listed, and reserve the right not to list any particular company.



Service Provider Categories

This directory contains information on service providers that can support U.S. exporters.