Executive Summary
Brunei has a small but growing medical industry. Brunei’s Ministry of Health is tasked with providing free health care services for its citizens. Brunei’s two major hospitals – Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Saleha Hospital (RIPAS Hospital) and Jerudong Park Medical Center–are further supplemented by five smaller hospitals, nine medical clinics, and seven dialysis centers. Basic health services are extended to rural areas through a network of 15 health centers and 40 health clinics, as well as travelling clinics and flying medical services to access the most remote villages.
Bruneians with the means to seek advanced medical services outside of the country will travel to nearby countries like Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand for private medical consultations. When the public hospitals are unable to provide specific services for more serious health problems to Brunei citizens locally, the government will then coordinate and pay for Brunei citizens to be sent overseas for treatment. As Brunei’s young adult population ages and requires medical care, the medical industry in Brunei will be an important long-term growth sector for Brunei’s economy.
Brunei never imposed a full lockdown and contained the pandemic by restricting public gatherings, implementing strict border control measures, and closing schools and places of worship when needed. As part of Brunei’s National COVID-19 Recovery Framework, Brunei will end its “early endemic phase” on May 31, 2022. Although most measures have been eased, there are still restrictions in place including land/sea border controls and mandatory mask wearing. Brunei has successfully rolled out a nation-wide vaccine program which has vaccinated 98 percent of the population, and more than 70 percent received booster shots. The country’s COVID-19 steering committee, chaired by the Minister of Health, the Minister of Home Affairs and the Minister of Finance and Economy hold regular press conferences to ensure transparency.
Market Entry
Brunei’s population - largely clustered around the capital Bandar Seri Begawan, with other population centers connected by a well-maintained highway system - provides a ready destination for U.S. exports with low transit costs once goods arrive into the country. U.S. businesses should build personal relationships with local representatives and customers through regular visits or by establishing resident representation. U.S. companies can set up their subsidiary companies or branch offices in Brunei as private limited companies registered with the Registrar of Companies and Business Names.
Current Market Trends
In March 2019, Brunei’s Ministry of Health identified five key strategies: (1) excellence in healthcare services, (2) prevention and control of non-communicable diseases, (3) protecting public health through effective policy and regulations, (4) sustainability of health care services and systems through optimal use and innovation, and (5) proactive and transparent governance. For the 2022-2023 fiscal year, the Ministry of Health received a budget of $284.2 million USD(1.2 percent higher than the previous fiscal year). The Ministry aims to grow the health sector by recruiting a highly skilled workforce, offering specialized medical services, and investing in infrastructure, research, medical technology, and digital transformation.
Market Size
Healthcare spending (including investment)
… as percent of GDP
2.42% (2016/2017)
… of which spent on inpatient services (including long-term care)
… of which spent on pharmaceuticals/consumables
… of which spent on investments
… of which spent on outpatient services
Hospitals, Procedures, Healthcare Professionals:
Number of hospitals
7 (2020)
4 (2020)
3 (2020)
Number of hospital beds
1,716 (2020)
… available beds per capita
2.9 per 1000 (2017)
…of which in general hospitals
1,444 (Government Hospitals, 2020)
…of which in specialized clinics and rehabilitation centers
Number of surgical procedures
108,075 (2017)
…of which [Dental Surgery]
28,813 (2017)
…of which Ortho Surgery
25,117 (2017)
948 (2020)
…of which surgeons
…of which internists
…of which pediatricians
114 (2020)
429,999 (2021)
Life expectancy men/women
Male 76.01 / Female 80.8 (2020)
Infant mortality
8.3 / 1,000 live births (2020)
Percent of population older than 65
6.0 % (2020)
…projection, 2030
Annual deaths
1,752 (2020)
…caused by Cancer (Malignant Neoplasms)
352 (2020)
…caused by Heart Diseases (including Acute Rheumatic Fever)
229 (2020)
Prevalence of [fastest growing disease burden]
Main Competitors
Main competitors in Brunei for the U.S. medical industry are products from Germany and other first world medical device manufacturers.
Current Demand
Best Prospects for medical equipment and supply manufacturing include:
- Manufacturing laboratory instruments, test kits, and electromedical apparatus (including electronic hearing aids)
- Medicines and Medical Consumables
- Laboratory equipment and consumables.
Registration Process
Even without a physical presence in Brunei, companies generally need a license to do business in the country. The company must be registered with the Ministry of Health or Ministry of Development, depending on project or tender requirements. Prospective suppliers of medicines and drugs must possess a valid Poison License as per the ‘Poison Act’ (Cap.114). One does not need a Brunei citizen representative to do business commercially or when selling directly to the government. Further information on registration of medicinal products can be found in the Ministry of Health website.
Public healthcare services are either free or heavily subsidized by the government. Most organizations in the private sector provide medical allowances or insurance for their personnel.
The United States and Brunei enjoy a long history of trade, dating to an 1850 treaty whereby Brunei and the United States agreed to trade freely and without barriers under Most Favored Nation (MFN) status. Brunei is a growing market for the United States. In 2020, total (two-way) trade between United States and Brunei amounted to $117.9 million USD. The U.S. trade surplus in goods with Brunei was $80.6 million USD in 2018. According to the Department of Commerce, U.S. exports of goods and services to Brunei supported an estimated 2 thousand jobs in 2019.
Frequently asked questions for the Ministry of Health.
U.S. Commercial Service Contact Information
Name: Audrey Agusdin
Position: Commercial Specialist
Phone: +6732-384-616