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DMEA 2024
DMEA is Europe’s leading platform for digital healthcare.
April 09-11, 2024, Berlin

Germany Events DMEA

DMEA 2024

April 9-11, 2024, Berlin

DMEA is Europe’s largest event for Health IT with 600 exhibitors, 350 speakers, and 11,000+ trade visitors (91% decision-makers, 40% from hospitals).  The show offers a unique, practical form of how digital transformation is making highly complex healthcare systems patient-centered, cost-effective, and future-proof. The opening ceremony, complimentary conference program, and on-the-floor workshops offer excellent networking and sales opportunities for the U.S. Health IT exporters with German Government officials and industry leaders.

The U.S. Commercial Service Global Healthcare Team stands ready to assist interested U.S. companies to connect to the German and European Health IT industry, and international firms to get in touch with U.S. firms, research institutions, and suppliers. 

We look forward to seeing you at DMEA 2024!


Your contacts at the U.S. Commercial Service:

Uta Kirst

Commercial Specialist
American Consulate General Düsseldorf
Willi-Becker-Allee 10
40227 Düsseldorf
Phone: +49-163-872-2715


Sabine Winkels

Commercial Specialist
American Consulate General Düsseldorf
Willi-Becker-Allee 10
40227 Düsseldorf
Phone: +49-211-737-767-40