person on couch with laptop with airplane icon to the left
Digital Strategies for Travel and Tourism
Maximize your digital outreach strategy! Leverage this Digital Strategies Guide to learn about: platforms travelers are using to research and book travel; most popular platforms for streaming videos; top social media platforms; the best language for a digital campaign in your market, and more.

Digital Strategies for U.S. Travel and Tourism

Digital Strategies for Travel and Tourism

Maximize your digital outreach strategy by learning about preferred platforms for researching, booking, and promoting travel and tourism destinations.

Country: Argentina
Travel & Tourism Commercial Specialist Name: Diana Brandon
Email Address:
How Do Travelers Book Their Travel in Your Market: Travel Agent
Is it Segmented in Any Way: Age.
What Platforms to Travelers Use to Research Travel:;; (two local .com companies) and others reached through Google    
What Platform is the Most Popular for Streaming Videos in Your Country:

SUM; Microsoft Teams; Google

What Platforms Are Travelers Mostly Using Now Following Covid? Google to buy in a .com company (Despegar - almundo - Booking)
What Are the Top Social Media Platforms in Your Market: WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Google.
What Language is the Best for a Digital Campaign in Your Market: Spanish.
What Trade Event(s) Best Services Your Market, and Typically When Is It Held:

FIT (Feria Internacional de Turismo) is usually held at the end of September or early October.  IPW attracts all the Argentine Tour Operators (wholesalers) and the Argentine delegation is usually 60 or more buyers and media. La Cita, hosted in Florida annually is also a show to consider once it is rescheduled in 2021 or 2022.

Please Provide Recommendations for U.S. Travel and Tourism Suppliers as They build on Their Digital Outreach Strategies in Your Country:  

A presence is the best strategy, either with a company office or a representative firm.

Please note any unique market trait that applies to your travel tech industry (that’s not covered above):

The Visit USA Committee organizes destination presentations on an ongoing basis for their trade industry audience. To get involved contact Diana.


Country: Australia
Travel & Tourism Commercial Specialist Name: Monique Roos
Email Address:
How Do Travelers Book Their Travel in Your Market: Travel Agent
Is it Segmented in Any Way: Age.
What Platforms to Travelers Use to Research Travel: online websites travel magazines, travel sections in  newspapers, social media
What Platform is the Most Popular for Streaming Videos in Your Country:

online websites, social media

What Platforms Are Travelers Mostly Using Now Following Covid? Youtube
What Are the Top Social Media Platforms in Your Market: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn
What Language is the Best for a Digital Campaign in Your Market: English.
What Trade Event(s) Best Services Your Market, and Typically When Is It Held: Visit USA Expos held in February
Please Provide Recommendations for U.S. Travel and Tourism Suppliers as They build on Their Digital Outreach Strategies in Your Country: Post on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, get stories published on online news websites
Please note any unique market trait that applies to your travel tech industry (that’s not covered above):  


Country: Belgium
Travel & Tourism Commercial Specialist Name: Danny Duman
Email Address:
How Do Travelers Book Their Travel in Your Market: Direct.
Is it Segmented in Any Way: Age
What Platforms to Travelers Use to Research Travel:, Airbnb, Google, Expedia,, Opodo, other flight vendors.
What Platform is the Most Popular for Streaming Videos in Your Country: Youtube, Vimeo, and Instagram.
What Platforms Are Travelers Mostly Using Now Following Covid?, Airbnb, Expedia,, Opodo, and other flight vendors.
What Are the Top Social Media Platforms in Your Market: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.
What Language is the Best for a Digital Campaign in Your Market: English.
What Trade Event(s) Best Services Your Market, and Typically When Is It Held: Workshop for travel trade in the fall and B2C event (holiday show) in January.  Other events: IPW, WTM.
Please Provide Recommendations for U.S. Travel and Tourism Suppliers as They build on Their Digital Outreach Strategies in Your Country: Belgians (and Europeans) like authentic events/experiences;  Focus on small-scale events and conviviality in cities.  Outdoors focus should be on “pure nature”.
Please note any unique market trait that applies to your travel tech industry (that’s not covered above): The future of travel agents and tour operators is changing. Their role will melt into the role of travel consultant advising customers.  Especially with current social media channels, direct messaging, zoom, teams, WhatsApp,…Interaction between travel consultants and the customer will become more efficient.  Travel consultants will focus on certain destinations.  Customers will look up information and will then seek advice from a travel consultant.  Travel agents still offering package deals are facing competition from big online players and will disappear.   Travelers now book their holiday direct or via a travel agent.


Country: Brazil
Travel & Tourism Commercial Specialist Name: Jussara Haddad
Email Address:
How Do Travelers Book Their Travel in Your Market: Travel Agent
Is it Segmented in Any Way: Age
What Platforms to Travelers Use to Research Travel: Expedia,, Submarino Viagens,, Kayak
What Platform is the Most Popular for Streaming Videos in Your Country: YouTube.
What Platforms Are Travelers Mostly Using Now Following Covid? Same platforms are being used. In addition, the largest tour operators launched their own online platforms, such as CVC, Orinter,  and others.
What Are the Top Social Media Platforms in Your Market: Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Facebook.
What Language is the Best for a Digital Campaign in Your Market: Brazilian Portuguese.
What Trade Event(s) Best Services Your Market, and Typically When Is It Held: Visit USA Brazil - April  ABAV Expo Congress - September  WTM Latin America - April  During Covid, dates were postponed and are still to be confirmed.
Please Provide Recommendations for U.S. Travel and Tourism Suppliers as They build on Their Digital Outreach Strategies in Your Country: We suggest that U.S. suppliers work with local partners such as major Brazilian travel associations and tour operators to organize webinars and virtual presentations. We strongly suggest that they work with the US Commercial Service Brazil to build their digital outreach strategies.
Please note any unique market trait that applies to your travel tech industry (that’s not covered above): In Brazil, travel agent sales were the most significant in the market. During the pandemic, these numbers increased and most travelers are using travel agents to buy their travel packages because of the service they offer, the access to information, cancellation and reimbursement policies, and access to security procedures for hotels, airlines, etc.


Country: Canada
Travel & Tourism Commercial Specialist Name: Pavel Sevastian
Email Address:
How Do Travelers Book Their Travel in Your Market: Direct
Is it Segmented in Any Way: Other
What Platforms to Travelers Use to Research Travel: Use of the web, some travel agents.
What Platform is the Most Popular for Streaming Videos in Your Country: Netflix
What Platforms Are Travelers Mostly Using Now Following Covid? There is very little travel at this time.  According to and TripAdvisor, their services are used a lot with an increase of dreaming and long-term planning, e.g. 180 days in advance.
What Are the Top Social Media Platforms in Your Market: Facebook, Instagram, Tweeter
What Language is the Best for a Digital Campaign in Your Market: French, English
What Trade Event(s) Best Services Your Market, and Typically When Is It Held: International Travel and Tourism Show - November  Travel agent seminars.
Please Provide Recommendations for U.S. Travel and Tourism Suppliers as They build on Their Digital Outreach Strategies in Your Country: Focus on destinations that the public will go to, mostly a 600 miles radius of their home.
Please note any unique market trait that applies to your travel tech industry (that’s not covered above): N/A


Country: China
Travel & Tourism Commercial Specialist Name: Sarah Zhu
Email Address:
How Do Travelers Book Their Travel in Your Market: OTA.
Is it Segmented in Any Way: Other
What Platforms to Travelers Use to Research Travel: C-Trip, Qunar, Trip Advisor.
What Platform is the Most Popular for Streaming Videos in Your Country:

C-Trip, Qunar.

What Platforms Are Travelers Mostly Using Now Following Covid? Douyin (Chinese TikTok).
What Are the Top Social Media Platforms in Your Market: WeChat, Douyin, Sina Weibo, and Little Red Book,
What Language is the Best for a Digital Campaign in Your Market: Chinese.
What Trade Event(s) Best Services Your Market, and Typically When Is It Held: Bring a delegation of U.S. destinations to China, and we will organize trade events with travel agencies, after covid-19.
Please Provide Recommendations for U.S. Travel and Tourism Suppliers as They build on Their Digital Outreach Strategies in Your Country: U.S. travel destinations or travel bureaus can set up accounts on Douyin, Little Red Book, Sina Weibo, to promote U.S. tourism, or work with local KOLs (Key Opinion Leader) to promote it.
Please note any unique market trait that applies to your travel tech industry (that’s not covered above): On Chinese social media, netizens are fully influenced by Key Opion Leaders and famous bloggers.  It has been overwhelming in Douyin that a traveling destination becomes popular after KOLs promote it.


Country: Colombia
Travel & Tourism Commercial Specialist Name: Norcia Ward 
Email Address: 
How Do Travelers Book Their Travel in Your Market: Travel Agent.
Is it Segmented in Any Way: Age.
What Platforms to Travelers Use to Research Travel: Despegar, Kayac, Booking, AirBNB, Los Tiquetes mas Baratos 
What Platform is the Most Popular for Streaming Videos in Your Country:

Despegar, Kayac, Booking, AirBNB, Los Tiquetes mas Baratos, Al Mundo

What Platforms Are Travelers Mostly Using Now Following Covid? Facebook, Instagram, Twitter 
What Are the Top Social Media Platforms in Your Market: YouTube.
What Language is the Best for a Digital Campaign in Your Market: Spanish.
What Trade Event(s) Best Services Your Market, and Typically When Is It Held: Vitrina Turistica Anato, used to be held by the end of February, but because of COVID it was postponed for April. 
Please Provide Recommendations for U.S. Travel and Tourism Suppliers as They build on Their Digital Outreach Strategies in Your Country: Travelers book their travel in Colombia mainly through a travel agency, but they also used OTA or do it directly. B2C campaigns are likely to work better on Facebook and Instagram.
Please note any unique market trait that applies to your travel tech industry (that’s not covered above): N/A


Country: Czech Republic
Travel & Tourism Commercial Specialist Name: Veronika Novakova
Email Address:
How Do Travelers Book Their Travel in Your Market: Travel Agent.
Is it Segmented in Any Way: Other.
What Platforms to Travelers Use to Research Travel:; 
What Platform is the Most Popular for Streaming Videos in Your Country:

similar to before COVID.

What Platforms Are Travelers Mostly Using Now Following Covid? Youtube.
What Are the Top Social Media Platforms in Your Market: Facebook, Instagram.
What Language is the Best for a Digital Campaign in Your Market: Czech.
What Trade Event(s) Best Services Your Market, and Typically When Is It Held: Holiday World (typically February, but postponed this year).
Please Provide Recommendations for U.S. Travel and Tourism Suppliers as They build on Their Digital Outreach Strategies in Your Country: Working directly with agents, FB advertisement, Embassy/US Commercial Service resources.
Please note any unique market trait that applies to your travel tech industry (that’s not covered above): Due to the uncertain pandemic situation, tour agencies adjusted their requirements such as a free cancellation 30 days before the beginning of the tour without the need to give any reason. They provide discounted PCR tests and sometimes free COVID-19 insurance. Also, clients prefer to use the vouchers from last year’s canceled trips.   Czechs are ready to travel and have already invested in summer vacation bookings (although mainly in Europe).   


Country: France
Travel & Tourism Commercial Specialist Name: Valerie Ferriere
Email Address:
How Do Travelers Book Their Travel in Your Market: OTA.
Is it Segmented in Any Way: Age.
What Platforms to Travelers Use to Research Travel:, Airbnb, Oui SNCF, Trip Advisor, Air France, Blablacar, Easyvoyage.
What Platform is the Most Popular for Streaming Videos in Your Country:

About the same.

What Platforms Are Travelers Mostly Using Now Following Covid? Netflix, Prime Video, Apple TV, OCS, YouTube, Rakuten TV, My Canal, SFR Play VOD, Disney +
What Are the Top Social Media Platforms in Your Market: Facebook, Google, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedln
What Language is the Best for a Digital Campaign in Your Market: French.
What Trade Event(s) Best Services Your Market, and Typically When Is It Held: The leading travel trade fair is IFTM Paris on September 18-22, 2021.   And dates: TBD
Please Provide Recommendations for U.S. Travel and Tourism Suppliers as They build on Their Digital Outreach Strategies in Your Country: They should be experimented, innovative in their products and offer good conditions (no extra fee for the cancellations). For question no. 4, the Internet represents 50%, travel agencies 12%, and tour operators 5% (for 2020). 
Please note any unique market trait that applies to your travel tech industry (that’s not covered above): None.


Country: Germany
Travel & Tourism Commercial Specialist Name: Elizabeth Walsh
Email Address:
How Do Travelers Book Their Travel in Your Market: Other.
Is it Segmented in Any Way: Other.
What Platforms to Travelers Use to Research Travel: Websites of destinations, tour operators, Brand USA, Visit USA.
What Platform is the Most Popular for Streaming Videos in Your Country:

Website of Robert-Koch-Institut (German equivalent of CDC) and state level health department websites to follow Covid.

What Platforms Are Travelers Mostly Using Now Following Covid? YouTube.
What Are the Top Social Media Platforms in Your Market: Twitter, Instagram.
What Language is the Best for a Digital Campaign in Your Market: German
What Trade Event(s) Best Services Your Market, and Typically When Is It Held: ITB Berlin March for trade.  CMT Stuttgart for consumers along with other consumer travel shows: Reisen Hamburg, FREE Munich, and regional /niche segment travel shows.
Please Provide Recommendations for U.S. Travel and Tourism Suppliers as They build on Their Digital Outreach Strategies in Your Country: Work with in-country tour operators who offer co-op advertising in their marketing outreach plans.  Use social media to share stories.  Provide a message of welcome.  Inform on products/services that can be availed of while maintaining social distancing.
Please note any unique market trait that applies to your travel tech industry (that’s not covered above): Germany has many travel tech industry leaders who provide service in German and during local working hours.  Partnering with German-language/local partner with existing customer contacts is important.


Country: Indonesia
Travel & Tourism Commercial Specialist Name: Fidhiza Purisma
Email Address:
How Do Travelers Book Their Travel in Your Market: Travel Agent.
Is it Segmented in Any Way: Age.
What Platforms to Travelers Use to Research Travel: Social media such as Instagram, YouTube as well as travel blogs/vlogs 
What Platform is the Most Popular for Streaming Videos in Your Country:

Still Social Media.

What Platforms Are Travelers Mostly Using Now Following Covid? YouTube.
What Are the Top Social Media Platforms in Your Market: Instagram and YouTube.
What Language is the Best for a Digital Campaign in Your Market: English and Indonesian.
What Trade Event(s) Best Services Your Market, and Typically When Is It Held: ASTINDO Travel Fair - February.
Please Provide Recommendations for U.S. Travel and Tourism Suppliers as They build on Their Digital Outreach Strategies in Your Country: Work together with the travel operator to build an exciting itinerary. Promote the destination via social media and travel booking sites such as Traveloka in Indonesia.
Please note any unique market trait that applies to your travel tech industry (that’s not covered above): Young people tend to book direct. Older people tend to rely on the travel agent.  Yet both want more freedom in choosing the places they want to visit during the trip.


Country: Ireland
Travel & Tourism Commercial Specialist Name: Anthea Zanella
Email Address:
How Do Travelers Book Their Travel in Your Market: Travel Agent
Is it Segmented in Any Way: Age
What Platforms to Travelers Use to Research Travel: Internet
What Platform is the Most Popular for Streaming Videos in Your Country: YouTube.
What Platforms Are Travelers Mostly Using Now Following Covid? Virtual tourism experiences.
What Are the Top Social Media Platforms in Your Market: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin.
What Language is the Best for a Digital Campaign in Your Market: English.
What Trade Event(s) Best Services Your Market, and Typically When Is It Held: Holiday World Show Dublin - held every year in January.
Please Provide Recommendations for U.S. Travel and Tourism Suppliers as They build on Their Digital Outreach Strategies in Your Country: Long-term digital strategy that focuses on rebuilding consumer confidence. Digital solutions that help to communicate across each and every step of a traveler’s journey (virtual or not).
Please note any unique market trait that applies to your travel tech industry (that’s not covered above): N/A


Country: Jordan
Travel & Tourism Commercial Specialist Name: Suzan Barbour
Email Address:
How Do Travelers Book Their Travel in Your Market: Travel Agent.
Is it Segmented in Any Way: Other.
What Platforms to Travelers Use to Research Travel: OTA websites, Their assigned TMC, airline websites.
What Platform is the Most Popular for Streaming Videos in Your Country:

Travel Agencies.

What Are the Top Social Media Platforms in Your Market: Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok.
What Language is the Best for a Digital Campaign in Your Market: Arabic, then English.
What Trade Event(s) Best Services Your Market, and Typically When Is It Held: Health tourism.
Please Provide Recommendations for U.S. Travel and Tourism Suppliers as They build on Their Digital Outreach Strategies in Your Country: Focusing on Health tourism, religious tourism.
Please note any unique market trait that applies to your travel tech industry (that’s not covered above):  


Country: Kenya
Travel & Tourism Commercial Specialist Name: Catherine Malinda
Email Address:
How Do Travelers Book Their Travel in Your Market: Travel Agent.
Is it Segmented in Any Way:  
What Platforms to Travelers Use to Research Travel: Google.
What Platform is the Most Popular for Streaming Videos in Your Country:

WhatsApp, Twitter, Zoom, Google.

What Are the Top Social Media Platforms in Your Market: Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Snapchat
What Language is the Best for a Digital Campaign in Your Market: English.
What Trade Event(s) Best Services Your Market, and Typically When Is It Held: Kenya Trade Expo - Aug  Kenya International Trade Show - Sept
Please Provide Recommendations for U.S. Travel and Tourism Suppliers as They build on Their Digital Outreach Strategies in Your Country: Work with travel agents to support the unique strategy used its target audience
Please note any unique market trait that applies to your travel tech industry (that’s not covered above): Recently we have a company going by the name Bonfire that seems to have the best holiday packages compared to regular travel agents. 


Country: New Zealand
Travel & Tourism Commercial Specialist Name: Janet Coulthart
Email Address:
How Do Travelers Book Their Travel in Your Market: Travel Agent.
Is it Segmented in Any Way:  
What Platforms to Travelers Use to Research Travel: Travel from New Zealand to the U.S. is very flat as we live through the current pandemic.  In normal times, New Zealand leisure travelers read online and through the media of U.S. destinations to plan their visits. 
What Platform is the Most Popular for Streaming Videos in Your Country:

New Zealand has NetFlix and Neon.

What Are the Top Social Media Platforms in Your Market: Facebook and Twitter.
What Language is the Best for a Digital Campaign in Your Market: English.
What Trade Event(s) Best Services Your Market, and Typically When Is It Held: Discover America Seminar series coordinated by BrandUSA in February. This annual event is not taking place in 2021.
Please Provide Recommendations for U.S. Travel and Tourism Suppliers as They build on Their Digital Outreach Strategies in Your Country: The trade is welcome to connect with the U.S. Commercial Service.  We can support their social media programs through the Embassy’s Facebook and Twitter platforms.
Please note any unique market trait that applies to your travel tech industry (that’s not covered above): New Zealanders will feel safe to travel again once they are vaccinated and know where they travel, others are similarly vaccinated.


Country: Nigeria
Travel & Tourism Commercial Specialist Name: Chidinma Akaniro
Email Address:
How Do Travelers Book Their Travel in Your Market: Direct.
Is it Segmented in Any Way: Age.
What Platforms to Travelers Use to Research Travel: Instagram and travel websites.
What Platform is the Most Popular for Streaming Videos in Your Country:


What Are the Top Social Media Platforms in Your Market: Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook
What Language is the Best for a Digital Campaign in Your Market: English.
What Trade Event(s) Best Services Your Market, and Typically When Is It Held:  
Please Provide Recommendations for U.S. Travel and Tourism Suppliers as They build on Their Digital Outreach Strategies in Your Country: Collaboration with Nigerian travel influencers, and strong social media promotion.
Please note any unique market trait that applies to your travel tech industry (that’s not covered above): Nigerians previously traveled more for Holidays than tourism and on an individual/family scale. There is a gradual shift now towards group travel, especially among the younger demography. Tour packages by successful tourism companies are increasingly becoming popular.


Country: Peru
Travel & Tourism Commercial Specialist Name: Milka Sambrailo
Email Address:
How Do Travelers Book Their Travel in Your Market: Direct.
Is it Segmented in Any Way: Age
What Platforms to Travelers Use to Research Travel: Despegar, Expedia.
What Platform is the Most Popular for Streaming Videos in Your Country:

Despegar, Expedia.

What Platforms Are Travelers Mostly Using Now Following Covid? Expedia.
What Are the Top Social Media Platforms in Your Market: YouTube, Instagram, Facebook Live.
What Language is the Best for a Digital Campaign in Your Market: Spanish.
What Trade Event(s) Best Services Your Market, and Typically When Is It Held: Workshop for travel trade in the fall and B2C event (holiday show) in January.  Other events: IPW, WTM.
Please Provide Recommendations for U.S. Travel and Tourism Suppliers as They build on Their Digital Outreach Strategies in Your Country: Ladevi Travel & Tourism Fair - June  Visit USA Workshop - March, September.
Please note any unique market trait that applies to your travel tech industry (that’s not covered above): Participate in the Visit USA Workshops in Lima and provinces. Approximately 400 travel agents participate.


Country: Portugal
Travel & Tourism Commercial Specialist Name: Ana Vila
Email Address:
How Do Travelers Book Their Travel in Your Market: OTA.
Is it Segmented in Any Way: Age.
What Platforms to Travelers Use to Research Travel: eDreams;  Booking;  Agoda;  Momondo;  Trivago;  Airlines;  Online Travel Agents
What Platform is the Most Popular for Streaming Videos in Your Country:


What Are the Top Social Media Platforms in Your Market: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook.
What Language is the Best for a Digital Campaign in Your Market: Portuguese and/or English.
What Trade Event(s) Best Services Your Market, and Typically When Is It Held: BTL-Bolsa de Turismo de Lisboa - Lisbon, normally in March  Fitur-International Tourism Fair Madrid - Spain, normally in January  WTM-World Travel Market - London, normally in November  
Please Provide Recommendations for U.S. Travel and Tourism Suppliers as They build on Their Digital Outreach Strategies in Your Country: Instagram and Facebook posts are the most popular and Youtube videos also
Please note any unique market trait that applies to your travel tech industry (that’s not covered above): Most Portuguese speak English and there is no need for translating posts or for subtitles on Youtube


Country: Singapore
Travel & Tourism Commercial Specialist Name: CHAN Y K
Email Address:
How Do Travelers Book Their Travel in Your Market: Travel agent.
Is it Segmented in Any Way: Age.
What Platforms to Travelers Use to Research Travel: Websites, digital travel news, travel fairs, speaking with travel agents, etc
What Platform is the Most Popular for Streaming Videos in Your Country:


What Are the Top Social Media Platforms in Your Market: Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram
What Language is the Best for a Digital Campaign in Your Market: English.
What Trade Event(s) Best Services Your Market, and Typically When Is It Held: NATAS Fair twice a year in February / August and ITB Asia in October.
Please Provide Recommendations for U.S. Travel and Tourism Suppliers as They build on Their Digital Outreach Strategies in Your Country: For Singapore, they should look at Singapore and the wider Southeast Asia region as a whole.
Please note any unique market trait that applies to your travel tech industry (that’s not covered above): Multi-generational travel groups. Amongst the Southeast Asian countries, Singapore is the most technologically advanced with copyright protection.


Country: Slovakia
Travel & Tourism Commercial Specialist Name: Lucia Maskova
Email Address:
How Do Travelers Book Their Travel in Your Market: Direct
Is it Segmented in Any Way: Age.
What Platforms to Travelers Use to Research Travel: Google; Tripadvisor;,,,, Horeca,,,,
What Platform is the Most Popular for Streaming Videos in Your Country:


What Are the Top Social Media Platforms in Your Market: Facebook, Instagram.
What Language is the Best for a Digital Campaign in Your Market: Slovak.
What Trade Event(s) Best Services Your Market, and Typically When Is It Held: The international fair of travel and tourism - ITF Slovakiatour - is usually held in January every year.
Please Provide Recommendations for U.S. Travel and Tourism Suppliers as They build on Their Digital Outreach Strategies in Your Country: Please touch base with CS Bratislava ( to discuss individually.
Please note any unique market trait that applies to your travel tech industry (that’s not covered above): N/A


Country: South Korea
Travel & Tourism Commercial Specialist Name: Jessica Son
Email Address:
How Do Travelers Book Their Travel in Your Market: Travel agent
Is it Segmented in Any Way: Age
What Platforms to Travelers Use to Research Travel: Korean travelers use both online and offline platforms to research travel information. For online search, Korean use internet search engines like (local), (local), and Google, and social media platforms like Kakao, Facebook, Band (local), and YouTube. For offline search, Koreans contact the travel agents to collect group package travel information and attend the travel shows for consumers.
What Platform is the Most Popular for Streaming Videos in Your Country:

Following COVID-19, Korean travelers use more online platforms including social media channels such as Kakao, Instagram, Facebook, Band, and YouTube. Korea is known for having one of the fastest internet networks in the world and the internet penetration numbers reach 96%. The number of mobile connections was equivalent to 118% of the total population and social media penetration stood at 87% in 2020.

What Platforms Are Travelers Mostly Using Now Following Covid? Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.
What Are the Top Social Media Platforms in Your Market:

Youtube, Instagram, Kakao Talk (local), Neflix

What Language is the Best for a Digital Campaign in Your Market:

Korean language.

What Trade Event(s) Best Services Your Market, and Typically When Is It Held:

1) Travel trade workshops and training programs before peak seasons like in spring and fall. 2) Travel trade missions to target travel agents and tour operators. 3) Trade shows like IPW.

Please Provide Recommendations for U.S. Travel and Tourism Suppliers as They build on Their Digital Outreach Strategies in Your Country:

-Create new channels of engagement with Korean tour operators and travelers by utilizing popular social media platforms. Popular contents are culinary tourism, shopping, and outdoor experiences in the U.S.

-Develop training programs for Korean tour operators via digital platforms to provide updated travel information and new video content.

Please note any unique market trait that applies to your travel tech industry (that’s not covered above):

Traditional group package handling tour operators are moving towards an app-based travel platform. More travel companies are developing the mobile platform as the number of mobile connections as more Korean travelers use mobile devices during the exploring phases of seeking travel destinations and making travel bookings. More younger generations are booking directly online.


Country: Thailand
Travel & Tourism Commercial Specialist Name: Thanyathorn Voravongsatit
Email Address:
How Do Travelers Book Their Travel in Your Market: Travel Agent
Is it Segmented in Any Way: Age
What Platforms to Travelers Use to Research Travel: FB, LINE, website, and expo.
What Platform is the Most Popular for Streaming Videos in Your Country: FB, LINE, YouTube, web board.
What Platforms Are Travelers Mostly Using Now Following Covid? YouTube, FB, Tiktok.
What Are the Top Social Media Platforms in Your Market: FB, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram.
What Language is the Best for a Digital Campaign in Your Market: Thai.
What Trade Event(s) Best Services Your Market, and Typically When Is It Held: Thai International Travel Fair every February. 
Please Provide Recommendations for U.S. Travel and Tourism Suppliers as They build on Their Digital Outreach Strategies in Your Country: Producing a short video clip to promote destinations and activities.  Creating a city map with activities, transportation, and recommend adding some famous restaurants, shopping areas, and highlight check-points on the map. 
Please note any unique market trait that applies to your travel tech industry (that’s not covered above): Japan, Italy.


Country: Turkey
Travel & Tourism Commercial Specialist Name: Ebru Olcay 
Email Address:
How Do Travelers Book Their Travel in Your Market: OTA.
Is it Segmented in Any Way: Age.
What Platforms to Travelers Use to Research Travel:,,,,,,
What Platform is the Most Popular for Streaming Videos in Your Country:


What Platforms Are Travelers Mostly Using Now Following Covid? Instagram for following bloggers and travel editors 
What Are the Top Social Media Platforms in Your Market: Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube.
What Language is the Best for a Digital Campaign in Your Market: Turkish, English.
What Trade Event(s) Best Services Your Market, and Typically When Is It Held:

For the industry - fam trips.

Travel show: EMITT -

Please Provide Recommendations for U.S. Travel and Tourism Suppliers as They build on Their Digital Outreach Strategies in Your Country: Bloggers: there are 2-3 travel bloggers who are famous in Turkey. US TT suppliers can work with them to promote their locations   -online largest online newspapers 
Please note any unique market trait that applies to your travel tech industry (that’s not covered above): N/A


Country: United Arab Emirates
Travel & Tourism Commercial Specialist Name: Maya Najm
Email Address:
How Do Travelers Book Their Travel in Your Market: Direct
Is it Segmented in Any Way: Other.
What Platforms to Travelers Use to Research Travel:; travel agents; airlines.
What Platform is the Most Popular for Streaming Videos in Your Country:


What Are the Top Social Media Platforms in Your Market: Instagram, Twitter, FB, youtube
What Language is the Best for a Digital Campaign in Your Market: English.
What Trade Event(s) Best Services Your Market, and Typically When Is It Held: Arabian Travel Market
Please Provide Recommendations for U.S. Travel and Tourism Suppliers as They build on Their Digital Outreach Strategies in Your Country: N/A
Please note any unique market trait that applies to your travel tech industry (that’s not covered above): N/A


Country: United Kingdom
Travel & Tourism Commercial Specialist Name: Chrystal Denys
Email Address:
How Do Travelers Book Their Travel in Your Market: Other.
Is it Segmented in Any Way: Other.
What Platforms to Travelers Use to Research Travel: Social media, tour operator websites, destination websites, government websites (both US and UK gov’t).
What Platform is the Most Popular for Streaming Videos in Your Country:

Netflix is number one followed by Amazon Prime.

What Are the Top Social Media Platforms in Your Market: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest (in that order).
What Language is the Best for a Digital Campaign in Your Market: English.
What Trade Event(s) Best Services Your Market, and Typically When Is It Held: World Travel Market (WTM) in early November. Next WTM should be November 1-3, 2021.
Please Provide Recommendations for U.S. Travel and Tourism Suppliers as They build on Their Digital Outreach Strategies in Your Country: If you can at all afford it, seek out and use a professional agency or PR firm.  Even a few consultations or small projects are better than nothing.  You do not have to enter into lengthy, expensive agreements to get a boost on your outreach.
Please note any unique market trait that applies to your travel tech industry (that’s not covered above): The UK is spoiled for choice when it comes to digital outreach. There are a lot of options and price points, suitable for all budgets and goals.