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Welcome to SelectUSA Canada
Helping Canadian companies expand to the United States.


SelectUSA - Canada

Did you know that the United States is the number one destination for Canadian companies? As of 2019, there was over $580 billon of Canadian investment in the United States, supporting over 836,000 jobs and $15 billion in export sales. 

Headquartered at the U.S. Department of Commerce in Washington, D.C., SelectUSA is the first point of contact for companies that are looking to grow their business in the United States. SelectUSA works with international companies and U.S. economic development organizations (EDOs) to provide information and research, facilitate direct connections, and resolve questions regarding federal regulations. 

To learn more about why so many Canadian companies choose the United States for their locations abroad, get in touch with us today.

For more information, contact us at,  or visit the SelectUSA website.

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