Business Service Provider
About the Business Service Provider Service
A listing of U.S. and foreign business service providers that offer export/investment assistance, such as consultants, lawyers, freight forwarders, etc. The fee is paid for by the business service provider to be listed on ITA websites.
Eligibility and Pricing
You must be an export-ready U.S. company seeking to export goods or services of U.S. origin or that have at least 51% U.S. content to qualify for reduced pricing.
- The fee for a Business Service Provider listing is $150 for small companies1 (+$30 for additional category listing), $250 for medium companies2 (+$30 for additional category listing), and $350 for large companies3 and all foreign firms (+$70 for additional category listing).
- The annual renewal fee for a Business Service Provider listing is $75 for small companies1, $125 for medium companies2, and $175 for large companies3 and all foreign firms.
Please note that a $50 fee per language for translation will be added if needed. To learn more about the service, contact one of our domestic Trade Specialists today.
Ready to learn more about Business Service Providers? Connect with your U.S. Commercial Service local office.
1 Must qualify as a “small business” under the Small Business Administration’s size standards, which vary by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code. Fees listed also apply to U.S. Economic Development Organizations (EDO) and Non-profit Educational Institutions that purchase ITA services for their own use. For example, when an EDO requests a Gold Key Service (GKS) to promote itself as a tourist destination, it will be charged the small company fee. If, however, an EDO requests a (GKS) to promote a U.S. company’s goods/services, the size of the company will be used to determine the fee.
2 Must have less than $1B in annual revenue (including affiliates: parent, child, subsidiaries, divisions, etc.) to qualify.
3 All U.S. businesses that do not qualify as a small or medium enterprise and all foreign firms.