Marcus Points
Marcus Points is ITA’s Chief Financial and Administrative Officer (CFAO) responsible for long-term planning and integration of financial, human and administrative support services. Points leads the day-to-day operation and management of the Office of the Chief Financial and Administrative Officer (OCFAO). This includes leading all subdivisions of OCFAO; the Budget and Finance Division, Human Capital Division, Management Operations Division and Analysis and Reporting Division. In addition, Mr. Points supports the Executive Direction and Administration (ExAd) infrastructure, which includes the Offices of the Under Secretary, Deputy Under Secretary, Public Affairs and Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs.
Points previously was ITA’s Director of Budget, Finance and Administration. Prior to joining ITA, Points worked at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Budget Office as the Chief of Weather, Satellites and Research Programs. Earlier he worked within NOAA at the National Weather Service. Points began his career in public service as a contractor supporting the Department of the Navy. Among many accomplishments during his public service, he received the NOAA Administrator’s Award and the NOAA Bronze Award.
Points received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from George Mason University.