Market Intelligence
Information and Communication Technology Singapore

Singapore Artificial Intelligence Strategy 2.0

Singapore recently launched its second National AI Strategy, or NAIS 2.0.  It set it on the path to becoming a world leader in AI and contributing to AI breakthroughs and products that the world values.  The new strategy lays out 15 courses of action over the next three to five years.  AI accelerated its use in advanced manufacturing, financial services, healthcare, education, and public services to bring benefits to both in and outside Singapore.

NAIS 2.0 reflects a whole-of-government, whole-of-economy approach benefitting Singapore, the region, and beyond.  

The 15 courses of action in NAIS 2.0 are:

1. Anchor new AI “centers of excellence.”
•    Encourage both AI producers and users to conduct value-creation activities here
•    Work with industry champions to identify and promote sectoral centers of excellence

2. Strengthen the AI startup ecosystem
•    Attract more venture builders
•    Develop more accelerator programs

3. Improve public service productivity
•    Develop AI strategies to address challenges
•    Optimize business lines with AI

4. Update national AI research and development plans
•    Be selective in AI research priorities
•    Foster industry-academia collaboration
•    Recruit top AI researchers
•    Operate graphics processing units (GPUs) for Singapore’s research community
•    Expand international research collaboration

5. Attract the world’s top AI creators
•    Set up a dedicated team to identify them and integrate them into Singapore’s ecosystem
•    Create novel value propositions such as hybrid working arrangements, part-time employment, and partnerships
6. Increase the AI talent pool to 15,000 from about 4,500 currently
•    Redesign the AI Apprenticeship Program to increase trainee positions
•    Expand the number of company attachments
•    Remain open to global talent

7. Accelerate enterprise adoption of AI
•    Enhance the enterprise digitalization toolkit
•    Provide tailored support for AI-enabled business transformation

8. Upskill workforce through sector-specific AI training programs
•    Develop targeted interventions in industry transformation maps

9. Establish a dedicated physical space for AI
•    Co-create the space in consultation with AI ecosystem representatives

10. Increase Singapore’s high-performance computing capacity
•    Deepen partnerships with chipmakers and cloud service providers
•    Allocate sufficient carbon budget and power to data centers
•    Manage a small subset of Singapore-based GPUs

11. Build capabilities in privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) and data services
•    Support the research and development of PETs

12. Unlock government data for public good use cases
•    Assess the feasibility of a data concierge within the government
•    Advocate for trusted cross-border data flows

Trusted environment
13. Ensure fit-for-purpose regulatory environment
•    Update AI governance frameworks to address novel risks
•    Work with partners to translate guidelines into technical standards
•    Establish a common platform for regulatory agencies to coordinate AI developments
•    Consider updates to broader standards and laws
•    Contribute actively to international AI discourse

14. Improve security and resilience baseline
•    Update cybersecurity toolkits
•    Coordinate efforts to share best practices

Leader in thought and action
15. Establish Singapore as a trusted and capable international partner in AI innovation and governance
•    Increase international mindshare in practical and risk-based approaches
•    Anchor key bilateral relationships with selected partners
•    Demonstrate alignment with key international fora
•    Share Singapore’s experience

For additional information about Singapore’s National AI Strategy, or NAIS 2.0., please contact Commercial Specialist Amelia Yeo.