Market Intelligence
Information and Communication Technology Investment

Poland Information Technology Market

Technologies with the greatest growth potential in Poland are cloud computing, internet of things (IoT), and cybersecurity in both the public and the private sectors. Leading areas in specialized software include software for vertical markets, internet, and e-commerce solutions, specifically in IT security.

The highest value vertical market for software and services solutions is the ICT industry. The demand is generated by the software development outsourcing industry, R&D activities, data centers expansions, cloud service rollouts, and adoption for automation solutions for digital processes. Other principal sectors investing in digital technologies are manufacturing, especially the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry, retail, and logistics as well as financial and professional services, followed by the public administration projects. Other sub-sectors which are expected to increase their IT investments are the energy, telecommunications, and construction sectors.

Digital transformation is one of five priorities named in Poland’s National Development Plan and will benefit from the EU Recovery Funding. Opportunities in the public sector include investments in e-administration, including integration of e-services with the land and mortgage register system, open government, as well as training and other activities aimed at increasing the digital literacy of Polish society. Top digital development priorities of Poland’s current government are infrastructure, cybersecurity, education, and e-health.

According to the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), Poland is ranked as 24 out of 27 EU countries, scoring below EU average in most indicator categories. The exception is the open data policy category, in which Poland excels with a 90% maturity score compared to the EU average of 78%.

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