Market Intelligence
Defense Equipment Chile

Chile Armed Forces Suppliers Registration

The Chilean Armed Forces are recognized for prioritizing the acquisition of high-quality defense equipment and transparent procurement procedures. For this reason, Chile is an ideal market for U.S. suppliers of military equipment. In the last decade, Chile has made numerous investments to modernize its defense capabilities, including new aircraft, frigates, helicopters, tanks, and others and has plans to make continued investments.  

Chile is not a manufacturing country and therefore must import all high-tech equipment. The Chilean market is very competitive, and the major suppliers of defense equipment are from Europe, Canada, Israel, and the United States. These companies are present in country, either through a local representative, establishing a branch office, or hiring a single employee based in Chile.  

The Army, Navy, and Air Force maintain separate registration lists and any company interested in registering as a supplier should follow the instructions outlined on each branch’s website. While the forms are available electronically, paper copies must be submitted to the points of contact listed below via courier.

Chilean Army
División Adquisiciones del Ejército
Address: Santa Isabel 1651
City: Santiago, Chile 8320000
Chilean Army Website

Chilean Navy
Dirección de Abastecimiento de la Armada
Address: Almirante Señoret 47
City: Valparaiso, Chile 2361804 
Chilean Navy Website

Chilean Air Force 
División de Abastecimiento - Comando Logístico 
Address: Avda. Pedro Aguirre Cerda 5500, Cerrillos
City: Santiago, Chile
Chilean Air Force Website 

In addition, the U.S. Commercial Service in Chile recommends U.S. companies assign a representative or agent in Chile to facilitate doing business with the Armed Forces. There are many programs offered by the U.S. Commercial Service to support U.S. companies in their effort to find a local representative.  

For more information contact the U.S. Commercial Service Chile at: