Los Angeles California Skyline
Los Angeles Local Partners
The Los Angeles office of the U.S. Commercial Service partners with a number of organizations in order to better support exporters in Los Angeles County.

CS Los Angeles Local Partners


Our Export Assistance Partners


Export-Import Bank of the U.S. (EXIM) - Western Region

EXIM is an independent federal agency that fills gaps in private export finance in order to bolster U.S. job growth at no cost to American taxpayers.  EXIM provides trade financing solutions - including export credit insurance, working capital guarantees, and guarantees of commercial loans to foreign buyers - to empower exporters of U.S. goods and services. Los Angeles area contact: Gregory Moore, Regional Director, Tel: (949) 224-4245, Gregory.Moore@exim.gov



SBA Office of International Trade 

Most U.S. banks view loans for exporters as risky.  This makes it harder for you to get loans for things like day-to-day operations, advance orders with suppliers, and refinancing existing debts. That’s why the SBA created programs to provide lenders with up to a 90 percent guaranty on export loans. To learn more about SBA export loan programs, contact: Pellson Lau, SBA Export Finance Manager, Tel: (213) 894-8267, Pellson.Lau@sba.gov

State of California Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz)

The Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) serves as the State of California’s leader for job growth, economic development and business assistance efforts. GO-Biz provides export assistance via the California State Trade Expansion Program (STEP). To learn more, please visit: https://business.ca.gov/advantages/international-trade-and-investment/export-assistance/

Southern California District Export Council logo

District Export Councils (DECs) are organizations of leaders from the local business community, appointed by successive U.S. Secretaries of Commerce, whose knowledge of international business provides a source of professional advice for local firms.

For 30 years, DECs have served the United States by assisting companies in their local communities export, thus promoting our country’s economic growth and creating new and higher-paying jobs for their communities. Closely affiliated with the U.S. Commerce Department’s U.S. Export Assistance Centers, the 60 DECs combine the energies of nearly 1,500 exporters and export service providers who support the U.S. Government’s export promotion efforts throughout the country. DEC Members volunteer their time to sponsor and participate in numerous trade promotion activities. They also supply specialized expertise to small and medium-sized businesses that are interested in exporting. Each DEC’s Executive Committee works with the membership to create an annual strategic plan that involves all members in mission fulfillment.

The District Export Council of Southern California has active members throughout the SoCal region, covering Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles and Orange County.

Logo of California Small Business Development Centers

The California Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Program is an extensive network of forty-five small business service centers leading the charge in providing tools and guidance needed to help you realize your potential as an entrepreneur. Find your local SBDC here: https://americassbdc.org/find-your-sbdc/